XeroAPI / xero-php-oauth2

Xero PHP SDK for oAuth 2 generated from Xero API OpenAPI Spec 3.0
MIT License
92 stars 66 forks source link

generated from OAS 2.17.1 minus Finance API #256

Closed RettBehrens closed 2 years ago

RettBehrens commented 2 years ago

AccountingAPI.get_budget() added query params: date_to date_from

AccountingAPI.get_contacts() added query param: search_term

PayrollAUAPI if_modified_sInce query param type corrected: was string --> now Date

PayrollNZAPI.get_employess() replaced query params: was 'first_nameand 'last_name --> now filter

PayrollNZAPI.get_timesheets() replaced query params: was 'employee_idandpayroll_calendar_id--> nowfilter`

PayrollNZAPI.get_timesheets() added query params: status start_date end_date sort

PayrollUKAPI.get_timesheets() added query params: status start_date end_date sort

AccountingAPI BankTransfer model added fields: from_is_reconciled to_is_reconciled reference

AppStoreAPI Product model added field: seat_unit

PayrollAUAPI EarningsType added enum: LUMPSUMW

PayrollAUAPI ManualTaxType added enum: SCHEDULE4MANUAL

PayrollUKAPI EarningsRate model corrected enums: was Tips(Direct) and Tips(Non-Direct) --> now TipsDirect and TipsNonDirect