Hi Team, this isn't an issue with the code - more hoping you can assist with the below.
Where can I see an example of a timesheet create for the demo apps you've created here? I've attempted to modify other "create" routes in the examples here but keep getting errors (see below). FYI I'm running this with the demo company.
Any direction/help you can provide would be massively appreciated.
Hi Team, this isn't an issue with the code - more hoping you can assist with the below.
Where can I see an example of a timesheet create for the demo apps you've created here? I've attempted to modify other "create" routes in the examples here but keep getting errors (see below). FYI I'm running this with the demo company.
Any direction/help you can provide would be massively appreciated.
Many thanks in advance.
My Timesheet Create route: @app.route("/payroll_au_timesheet_create") @xero_token_required def payroll_au_timesheet_create(): code = get_code_snippet("TIMESHEET","READ_ALL")
The error I'm getting: TypeError: 'TimesheetLine' object is not iterable