XeroAPI / xero-ruby

Xero Ruby SDK for OAuth 2.0 generated from XeroAPI/Xero-OpenAPI
MIT License
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Missing Release Notes for 3.3.0 #192

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to generate a release with change description for 3.3.0? It seems like a fairly substantial changeset.

It's difficult to review exactly what has changed especially with auto-generated client code through the compare view.

I would also appreciate a CHANGELOG.md file in the repo, as github releases aren't always convenient to view or review, especially when looking at changes over several releases.

SerKnight commented 3 years ago

Hey @mmcnickle-float - thanks for the note. Just missed that step 🤓

Release & notes added to github: https://github.com/XeroAPI/xero-ruby/releases/tag/3.3.0

There were a few tweaks like PayrollAU::Employee, Accounting Payment.rb, new timezone but the biggest change was adding the new app store API to support the subscriptions data generated by Xero's new app store.

All changes are non-breaking.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Brilliant, thanks @SerKnight!