XeroAPI / xoauth

A CLI tool for obtaining JWTs from OpenId Connect providers
MIT License
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error creating client: failed to unlock correct collection '/org/freedesktop/secrets/aliases/default' #25

Open hwebb opened 3 years ago

hwebb commented 3 years ago

Error when trying to connect via Linux SSH!

prannonpendragas commented 2 days ago

I had similar problems, but I found a workaround after lengthy and mostly fruitless research here: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/548005

My WSL environment is ubuntu 22.04.

When you launch your WSL, run these commands:

sudo systemctl restart user@1000.service # to make sure that your user has a DBUS
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gnome-keyring libsecret-tools dbus-x11 # to install needed software
sudo killall gnome-keyring-daemon # to kill any running keyring daemons; most likely there will be none running since I think that WSL2 has the keyring daemon disabled by default
eval "$(printf '\n' | gnome-keyring-daemon --unlock)" # trick the system into thinking you've logged in, creating the needed keyring
eval "$(printf '\n' | /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start)" # start up the keyring, making it available for xoauth

You can test to see if all this worked by running commands such as this:

secret-tool lookup foo bar
printf "aPassword" | secret-tool store --label="test" foo bar
secret-tool lookup foo bar

If you get the aPassword string back after running these, then the keyring is set up and you are probably past this problem. Good luck!