Xetera / notes

📝 My online class notes, made to make myself hate school a little less
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Dark Theme fix #5

Open chiumax opened 4 years ago

chiumax commented 4 years ago

Just curious, why vue for this? Is vue something you usually use? If so, why not other frameworks? Or was VuePress just a convienient plugin? Also cool idea. image If this is intended for dark mode, please ignore.

Xetera commented 4 years ago

Oh wow I wasn't watching this repo so I never saw this issue, oops. I used vue because of vuepress, it takes care of most of the job for you. Normally I'm a gatsby guy but gatsby takes a significantly longer time to set up and configure. It's a lot of control, too much in fact, so I stuck with vuepress.

Also that wasn't intended lol, dark mode isn't normally supported so I had to manually tweak colors for it, guess I forgot about that section.