XgTu / 2DASL

The code (pytorch for testing & matlab for 3D plot and evaluation) for our project: Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Face Alignment from A Single Image with 2D-Assisted Self-Supervised Learning (2DASL)
MIT License
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Where did you get the 68 landmarks annotation of AFLW dataset? #36

Closed lhyfst closed 1 year ago

lhyfst commented 1 year ago

As far as I know, AFLW only has annotation of 21 landmarks. Where did you get the annotation of 68 landmarks in test_codes/test.configs/AFLW_GT_pts68.npy?

Moreover, how to use AFLW_GT_pts68.npy and AFLW_GT_pts21.npy, since they do not align with the original image either the croped image.

By the way, AFLW has 21123 images. Why does your test_codes/test.data/AFLW_GT_crop only have 21080 images? Did you remove some images?