# Import Discord.jl.
using Discord
# Create a client.
c = Client("token"; presence=(game=(name="with Discord.jl", type=AT_GAME),))
# Create a handler for the MessageCreate event.
function handler(c::Client, e::MessageCreate)
# Display the message contents.
println("Received message: $(e.message.content)")
# Add a reaction to the message.
create(c, Reaction, e.message, '👍')
# Add the handler.
add_handler!(c, MessageCreate, handler)
# Log in to the Discord gateway.
# Wait for the client to disconnect.
doesn't seem to be working (sure, I am replacing "token" with the real one). I am getting this chain of errors:
The minimal example provided in the README.md
doesn't seem to be working (sure, I am replacing "token" with the real one). I am getting this chain of errors:
The similar example with the same exact DISCORD_TOKEN in Python is working so the the problem is not rooted at the API key.
Hope this issue will help improving the library.
Thank you in advance.