Xharlie / BtcDet

Behind the Curtain: Learning Occluded Shapes for 3D Object Detection
Apache License 2.0
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Why the max IOU in the proposals are used to evaluate the performance? #22

Open Orbis36 opened 2 years ago

Orbis36 commented 2 years ago

My question is basically about the codes in 581 lines of detector3d_template.py rcnn_recalled = (iou3d_rcnn.max(dim=0)[0] > cur_thresh).sum().item() recall_dict['rcnn_%s' % str(cur_thresh)] += rcnn_recalled Here the max value in iou3d are used to count the how many predict box can pass the corresponding iou thresholds. However, for evaluation, the final_box was selected by the cls_score, instead of the IOU between the ground truth and itself. So this will actually lead to a miss-match for the output, we use the IOU of the best-match proposal to calculate the performance instead of the box selected by cls_score.

I want to know where I went wrong, thanks for any help!