Xharlie / BtcDet

Behind the Curtain: Learning Occluded Shapes for 3D Object Detection
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RuntimeError:Ninja is required to load C++ extensions #31

Open 123jyw opened 2 years ago

123jyw commented 2 years ago

When you run this statement ,python -m btcdet.datasets.multifindbestfit , the following error occurs No module named 'vasualize_utils'. But I have vasualize_utils.py.

I solved this problem by adding a path, but the following problem arose。

123jyw commented 2 years ago

When you run this statement ,python -m btcdet.datasets.multifindbestfit , the following error occurs RuntimeError:Ninja is required to load C++ extensions.

DheerajYarlagadda commented 2 years ago

Try: pip install Ninja

DheerajYarlagadda commented 2 years ago

If you have already installed Ninja but still facing the error: sometimes it can be also due to permission issues, would recommend navigating to site packages and checking the permissions of ninja packages.