Xharlie / Grid-GCN

Grid-GCN for Fast and Scalable Point Cloud Learning
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Question on kpt consistency #2

Open dedoogong opened 4 years ago

dedoogong commented 4 years ago

Hello! I joined CVPR2020 to talk with you but I coudln't as you don't answer me ;/

I have no choice but to write my question here so please understand me.

I'm trying to get only some(maybe 8) meaningful keypoint(such as FPS points) as below plane_spin this pic shows the detected results from KeypointNet. (https://keypointnet.github.io/) the Figure5 in your paper shows an example of sampled kpts on airplane and I wonder your method can detect(sample) on the same positions on the surface consistently as the above picture?

especially I want to find the keypoint on a symmetric object like a cup or a bottle.

that's really what I'm looking for! if not can you suggest an idea to achieve my goal? I guess I need to train your model with an additional loss function like the one used in KeypointNet.

please give me some hint.

Thank you!

Xharlie commented 4 years ago

hi, i believe there was a person with malfunctioning mic so that I can't hear anything, not sure it were you.

My method is random sampling + greedy re-selection, so there is no guarantee to choose voxels containing key-points or anything symmetric.