XhinLiang / markdown-it-plantuml-ex

A markdown-it plugin which can render PlantUML using offline plantuml.jar.
MIT License
4 stars 3 forks source link

Way to configure Plantuml.jar PATH #1

Open orefalo opened 1 month ago

orefalo commented 1 month ago

This is a valuable add-on.

The included plantuml.jar is now four years outdated, it displays licensing data on the output.

If there a way we could alter the location of plantuml.jar using an option or an environmental variable, that would be ideal.

orefalo commented 1 month ago

If anyone finds this, I have yet published the fixes in npm as markdown-it-plantuml-ex2

https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=markdown-it-plantuml-ex2 https://github.com/orefalo/markdown-it-plantuml-ex2

andreas-mausch commented 1 month ago

I started to integrate PlantUML into my blog today, and this is exactly what I needed. And you just did it yesterday, what a coincidence. I love the internet. Thank you. :)