Xian55 / WowClassicGrindBot

Highly configurable and responsive World of Warcraft Classic pixel Grind Bot - No DLL injection or memory tampering, just screen capture and input simulation.
173 stars 119 forks source link

Known Issue: Loot is disabled, however while fighting multiple enemies `Enable Interact Key` cause unexpected Loot attempts #539

Closed starnodes closed 1 year ago

starnodes commented 1 year ago


{ "ClassName": "Paladin", "TargetLastTargetKey": "F9", "InteractMouseOverKey": "F8", "InteractKey": "F7", "TargetTargetOfTargetKey": F6", "TargetPetKey": "F12", "PetAttackKey": "F11", "TargetFocusKey": "F10", "NPCMaxLevels_Below": 99, "NPCMaxLevels_Above": 3, "Mode": "Grind", // "Mode": "AssistFocus", // "Mode": "AttendedGrind", "Loot": false, "Skin": false, "KeyboardOnly": true, "PathFilename": "Howling Fjord_2023_07_21_15_08_37.json", "PathThereAndBack": true, "PathReduceSteps": true, "MountKey": "N2", "IntVariables": { "MIN_SPEED_SEAL": 3000, "MIN_TARGET_HP%": 20, "MIN_HP_BEFORE_HEAL%": 20, "MIN_MANA%": 30, "Buff_Art of War": 236246 },

Addon Version


World of Warcraft Client

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

Reproduction Steps

disable loot and skin in config file start wow and bot bot is still trying to loot the target and rip off the skin))

Last Good Version

No response


No response


14:15:16 | ["Judgement" ] Update "Mana" cost to 88 from 147 -- | -- 14:15:16 | ["Правосудие света"] Update "Mana" cost to 88 from 147 14:15:15 | Inactive, kill credit detected! 14:15:08 | 17 -> 18 "Borean Leather Scraps" 14:15:08 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:15:06 | New Plan= " Approach Target" 14:15:06 | ["Judgement" ] Update "Mana" cost to 147 from 88 14:15:06 | ["Правосудие света"] Update "Mana" cost to 147 from 88 14:15:06 | ["Длань возмездия"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:15:06 | ["Длань возмездия"] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:15:06 | ["Длань возмездия"] instant input 88ms 0.0001ms 14:15:06 | Found target! 14:15:06 | 19 -> 20 "Pearly Seashell Fragment" 14:15:06 | Stop auto interact! 14:15:06 | New Plan= " Pull Target" 14:15:06 | Mounted ? False 14:15:06 | Cast ended 143.0431ms 14:15:06 | Cast started 100.4699ms 14:15:06 | ["Judgement" ] Update "Mana" cost to 88 from 147 14:15:06 | ["Правосудие света"] Update "Mana" cost to 88 from 147 14:15:06 | Mount up 14:15:06 | New Plan= " Follow Route" 14:15:05 | Found target! 14:15:05 | New Plan= " Approach Target" 14:15:05 | ["LocalPathingApi"] total distance 49.057053 > 100. Have to clear RouteToWaypoint. 14:15:05 | New Plan= " Follow Route" 14:15:05 | Total: 0 \| Remaining: 0 14:15:05 | New Plan= " Corpse Consumed" 14:15:05 | Safe to consume a corpse. 14:15:05 | New Plan= " Consume Corpse" 14:15:05 | Kill credit detected! Known kills: 1 \| Fighting with: 0 14:15:03 | ["Божественная буря"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 74ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -326ms 14:15:03 | ["Божественная буря"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:15:03 | ["Божественная буря"] instant input 60ms 0.0001ms 14:15:02 | ["Удар воина света"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 1500ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:15:02 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: False->False \| current: True->False \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:15:02 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 58ms 32.3609ms 14:15:01 | React to SPELL_FAILED_NOT_READY -- wait until its ready 14:15:01 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"SPELL_FAILED_NOT_READY" 14:15:01 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 74ms 0.0001ms 14:15:00 | ["Judgement" ] ... AfterCastDelay 25ms 14:15:00 | ["Judgement" ] PrevGCD: 1500ms \| GCD: 1442ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:15:00 | ["Judgement" ] instant usable: False->False \| current: True->False \| "NONE"->"SPELL_FAILED_NOT_READY" 14:15:00 | ["Judgement" ] instant input 73ms 0ms 14:15:00 | React to SPELL_FAILED_NOT_READY -- wait until its ready 14:15:00 | ["Judgement" ] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"SPELL_FAILED_NOT_READY" 14:15:00 | ["Judgement" ] instant input 75ms 0ms 14:14:58 | ["AutoAttack" ] instant input 75ms 75ms 14:14:58 | 16 -> 17 "Borean Leather Scraps" 14:14:57 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:57 | ["Удар воина света"] PrevGCD: 1500ms \| GCD: 1405ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:14:57 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: False->False \| current: False->False \| "NONE"->"SPELL_FAILED_NOT_READY" 14:14:57 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 86ms 0ms 14:14:57 | React to ERR_SPELL_OUT_OF_RANGE -- (5) Just wait for the target to get in range. 14:14:57 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->False \| "NONE"->"ERR_SPELL_OUT_OF_RANGE" 14:14:57 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 60ms 0.0001ms 14:14:57 | ["Exorcism" ] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 199ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:57 | ["Exorcism" ] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_START" 14:14:57 | ["Exorcism" ] instant input 84ms 0.0001ms 14:14:57 | ["Judgement" ] ... AfterCastDelay 25ms 14:14:57 | ["Judgement" ] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 316ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:57 | ["Judgement" ] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_START" 14:14:57 | ["Judgement" ] instant input 75ms 0.0001ms 14:14:57 | ["Judgement" ] ... GCD usable: True \| remain: 133ms \| -133.8368ms 14:14:56 | New Plan= " Combat" 14:14:55 | ["Judgement" ] Update "Mana" cost to 147 from 88 14:14:55 | ["Правосудие света"] Update "Mana" cost to 147 from 88 14:14:55 | New Plan= " Approach Target" 14:14:55 | ["Длань возмездия"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 305ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -95ms 14:14:55 | ["Длань возмездия"] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:55 | ["Длань возмездия"] instant input 90ms 0.0001ms 14:14:55 | Stop auto interact! 14:14:55 | New Plan= " Pull Target" 14:14:55 | Found target! 14:14:55 | Pathfinder - 60.052532 - "<25,295898  -6031,7886  1,2081989>" -> "<28,689941  -5971,832  0>" 0.7294ms 14:14:55 | ["LocalPathingApi"] total distance 16.547516 > 100. Have to clear RouteToWaypoint. 14:14:55 | New Plan= " Follow Route" 14:14:55 | ["Judgement" ] Update "Mana" cost to 88 from 147 14:14:55 | ["Правосудие света"] Update "Mana" cost to 88 from 147 14:14:54 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:54 | Total: 0 \| Remaining: 0 14:14:54 | New Plan= " Corpse Consumed" 14:14:54 | Safe to consume a corpse. 14:14:54 | New Plan= " Consume Corpse" 14:14:54 | ["Молот гнева" ] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 1500ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:14:54 | ["Молот гнева" ] instant usable: False->False \| current: True->False \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:54 | ["Молот гнева" ] instant input 73ms 38.934ms 14:14:54 | Kill credit detected! Known kills: 1 \| Fighting with: 0 14:14:54 | ["Молот гнева" ] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"ERR_SPELL_FAILED_INTERRUPTED" 14:14:54 | ["Молот гнева" ] instant input 59ms 0.0005ms 14:14:54 | New Plan= " Combat" 14:14:53 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:53 | Total: 0 \| Remaining: 0 14:14:53 | New Plan= " Corpse Consumed" 14:14:53 | Safe to consume a corpse. 14:14:53 | New Plan= " Consume Corpse" 14:14:53 | Kill credit detected! Known kills: 1 \| Fighting with: 1 14:14:52 | ["Божественная буря"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:52 | ["Божественная буря"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:52 | ["Божественная буря"] instant input 75ms 0ms 14:14:52 | ["Божественная буря"] ... GCD usable: True \| remain: 641ms \| -644.7393ms 14:14:50 | ["Божественная буря"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:50 | ["Божественная буря"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_START" 14:14:50 | ["Божественная буря"] instant input 75ms 0.0001ms 14:14:50 | ["Удар воина света"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:50 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_START" 14:14:50 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 67ms 0.0001ms 14:14:50 | ["Удар воина света"] ... GCD usable: True \| remain: 308ms \| -308.0354ms 14:14:48 | ["Judgement" ] ... AfterCastDelay 25ms 14:14:48 | ["Judgement" ] PrevGCD: 1500ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:14:48 | ["Judgement" ] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:48 | ["Judgement" ] instant input 90ms 0.0001ms 14:14:33 | 17 -> 18 "Huge Jaws" 14:14:32 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:32 | ["Божественная буря"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:32 | ["Божественная буря"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:32 | ["Божественная буря"] instant input 75ms 0ms 14:14:32 | ["AutoAttack" ] instant input 59ms 59ms 14:14:32 | New Plan= " Combat" 14:14:32 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:31 | Total: 0 \| Remaining: 0 14:14:31 | New Plan= " Corpse Consumed" 14:14:31 | Safe to consume a corpse. 14:14:31 | New Plan= " Consume Corpse" 14:14:31 | Lost target! 14:14:31 | Kill credit detected! Known kills: 1 \| Fighting with: 0 14:14:30 | Turning too fast! 14:14:30 | ["Удар воина света"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:30 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"ERR_BADATTACKFACING" 14:14:30 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 59ms 0.0001ms 14:14:30 | React to ERR_BADATTACKFACING - Fast turn with Interact 162,2883ms 14:14:30 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"ERR_BADATTACKFACING" 14:14:30 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 75ms 0ms 14:14:28 | 15 -> 16 "Borean Leather Scraps" 14:14:27 | ["Удар воина света"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 233ms \| Next spell -400ms 14:14:27 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->True \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_START" 14:14:27 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 83ms 0ms 14:14:26 | ["Judgement" ] ... AfterCastDelay 25ms 14:14:26 | ["Judgement" ] PrevGCD: 1500ms \| GCD: 0ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:14:26 | ["Judgement" ] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:26 | ["Judgement" ] instant input 75ms 0.0001ms 14:14:25 | 5 -> 6 "Chilled Meat" 14:14:25 | 16 -> 17 "Huge Jaws" 14:14:24 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:24 | ["AutoAttack" ] instant input 74ms 74ms 14:14:24 | New Plan= " Combat" 14:14:22 | New Plan= NO PLAN 14:14:22 | Total: 0 \| Remaining: 0 14:14:22 | New Plan= " Corpse Consumed" 14:14:22 | Safe to consume a corpse. 14:14:22 | New Plan= " Consume Corpse" 14:14:22 | Lost target! 14:14:22 | Kill credit detected! Known kills: 1 \| Fighting with: 1 14:14:22 | ["Божественная буря"] PrevGCD: 1500ms \| GCD: 66ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:14:22 | ["Божественная буря"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:22 | ["Божественная буря"] instant input 85ms 0.0001ms 14:14:20 | ["Удар воина света"] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 65ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -335ms 14:14:20 | ["Удар воина света"] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:20 | ["Удар воина света"] instant input 70ms 0ms 14:14:19 | ["Exorcism" ] PrevGCD: 1500ms \| GCD: 33ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell 1100ms 14:14:19 | ["Exorcism" ] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:19 | ["Exorcism" ] instant input 63ms 0ms 14:14:17 | ["Judgement" ] ... AfterCastDelay 25ms 14:14:17 | ["Judgement" ] PrevGCD: 0ms \| GCD: 67ms \| Cast: 0ms \| Next spell -333ms 14:14:17 | ["Judgement" ] instant usable: True->False \| current: False->True \| "NONE"->"CAST_SUCCESS" 14:14:17 | ["Judgement" ] instant input 71ms 0ms
Xian55 commented 1 year ago

👋 Hello there,

While the ESC -> Options -> Control -> Enable Interact Key [x] is enabled and fighting with multiple enemies in the same location sadly the game behaves somewhat unexpectedly.

While tried to reproduce the issue i've observed the followings:

I suggest to try to out with ESC -> Options -> Control -> Enable Interact Key [ ] disabled


starnodes commented 1 year ago

tnx, it works for me!

Xian55 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for brining it to my attention. Have a gooday!