XianWorld / Xian.js

Node.js MMO Game World Framework
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[Game Analyse]: Dofus resources and data #61

Closed XianWorld closed 9 years ago

XianWorld commented 9 years ago
  1. find and analyse key resources including map/tile/role/monster/image/animations etc.
  2. edit game assets from these key resources to test the new edit tools and procedures.
  3. support the produced game assets in the Xian engine.
  4. find the automatic way by script and plugin to extract and export all sort of these resources.
  5. extract and export some resources to support a simple demo.
XianWorld commented 9 years ago

refer to XianWorld/xian-flash-editor.

Done works:

  1. extract files.
  2. export animation to Spine format.
XianWorld commented 9 years ago
