XiangGuo1992 / ORCL_VR_EyeTracking

Tobii Eye Tracking for HTC VIVE Eye Pro in Unity
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xml file still empty #4

Open MertCokelek opened 2 years ago

MertCokelek commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for the work. I followed the exact steps for Unity, but the xml file is still empty. Do you have any idea what might be the reason?

XiangGuo1992 commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for the work. I followed the exact steps for Unity, but the xml file is still empty. Do you have any idea what might be the reason?

Hi Mert, In most cases, you just need to restart the SRruntime software right before running Unity to get the data, and check if you have set the key to start/stop collecting eye tracking data. In addition, have you tried the python api to see if you can collect any data from the headset even without Unity?

MertCokelek commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for your response. Yes, I restart SRuntime every time. I also set the keys, and still the xml file is empty.

I have some confusions:

Can you help me with these? Best,

XiangGuo1992 commented 2 years ago
SKYRAKERONE commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for your article. But, Tobii Pro SDK In version 1.9 the VR support was deprecated.https://developer.tobiipro.com/unity/unity-getting-started.html So how do you guys work now.

XiangGuo1992 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for your article. But, Tobii Pro SDK In version 1.9 the VR support was deprecated.https://developer.tobiipro.com/unity/unity-getting-started.html So how do you guys work now.

We use the old version for our simulator. I attached a google drive link to it in the document. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19ZlllVUZl2mWyRrg6JSof5vrMZ5ZkCz5/view

XiangGuo1992 commented 1 year ago

The empty xml file may be caused because the Tobii Pro SDK In version 1.9 the VR support was deprecated.https://developer.tobiipro.com/unity/unity-getting-started.html

To solve this problem, I have uploaded a sample test scene in document. I also attach the link here. sample scene

Check the discussion in this issue for detail https://github.com/XiangGuo1992/ORCL_VR_EyeTracking/issues/5