Xiangyang1984 / Gcluster

A simple-to-use tool for visualizing and comparing genome contexts for numerous genomes
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Questions regarding interested_gene_file #3

Open ZepingQu opened 4 years ago

ZepingQu commented 4 years ago

Hello Xiangyang,

Thanks for creating and sharing this tool. I have a few questions regarding using Gcluster, first is in terms of using interested_gene_file.pl, are we supposed to create a fasta file by our own containing the LOCUS tag and protein sequence? Do you have an included script in Gcluster for doing that? Secondly, as I'm thinking of comparing biosynthetic gene clusters, some of the gbk files in my database have identical LOCUS tags, would this situation cause any unwanted crashes from Gcluster?

Kindly regards



Xiangyang1984 commented 4 years ago

Dear ZepingQu,

Thanks for your interest in Gcluster. interested_gene_file.pl needs two input files to work: 1. a directory containing gbk files you wanted to analyze, 2. a protein sequneces file used as database. As to the fasta file you mentioned here, I do not know what you means? As to the second question, we did not test whether it would get an error if serveral gbk files contains the same locus tag.

Sincerely, Xiangyang Li lixiangyang@fudan.edu.cn