Xiangyu-Hu / SPHinXsys

SPHinXsys provides C++ APIs for engineering simulation and optimization. It aims at complex systems driven by fluid, structure, multi-body dynamics and beyond. The multi-physics library is based on a unique and unified computational framework by which strong coupling has been achieved for all involved physics.
Apache License 2.0
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Refactory/using complex interaction template #464

Closed Xiangyu-Hu closed 6 months ago

Xiangyu-Hu commented 6 months ago

Revamping the fluid relevant class and method. Basically, I have used partial template specialization to identify inner, contact and contact wall interactions. I have revised the template complex interaction class to combine two or more interaction together. However, the changes related to solid dynamics are minimum.

DrChiZhang commented 6 months ago

Revamping the fluid relevant class and method. Basically, I have used partial template specialization to identify inner, contact and contact wall interactions. I have revised the template complex interaction class to combine two or more interaction together. However, the changes related to solid dynamics are minimum.

Great work. Would do you please add more principles underlying this refactoring when you have time? Would be very help to review this PR.

DrChiZhang commented 6 months ago

Subdirectory "modules" is added? Which kind of modules should be belonged to this sub?

DrChiZhang commented 6 months ago

How about a meeting to briefly summarize the underlying consideration with this PR and all reviewers are kindly invited?

Xiangyu-Hu commented 6 months ago

How about a meeting to briefly summarize the underlying consideration with this PR and all reviewers are kindly invited?

Sure. However, this pull request is only conservative modification, that is, it does not change the any currently test functions. There is nothing new in the pull request.

DrChiZhang commented 6 months ago

How about a meeting to briefly summarize the underlying consideration with this PR and all reviewers are kindly invited?

Sure. However, this pull request is only conservative modification, that is, it does not change the any currently test functions. There is nothing new in the pull request.

Understood. A meeting would be very helpful for other developers to follow your idea and to enhance the community building of SPHinXsys. If possible, we may consider have a routine meeting, for example monthly or bi-monthly, for the main contributors who are willing to review PR, solve Issue and refactor the code.

DrChiZhang commented 6 months ago

@Shuaihao-Zhang @Bo-Zhang1995 @junwei-jiang @FabienPean-Virtonomy @DongWuTUM I have asked Dr. Hu to give us a brief introduction on the underlying consider of this PR in the afternoon 4pm this Wednesday, please join us if you have time. I will send you the link later.

DrChiZhang commented 6 months ago

@Shuaihao-Zhang @Bo-Zhang1995 @junwei-jiang @FabienPean-Virtonomy @yuanjiajy @DongWuTUM Please join the meeting with the following: Join Zoom Meeting https://tum-conf.zoom-x.de/j/2431421170

Meeting ID: 243 142 1170