Xiangyu-Hu / SPHinXsys

SPHinXsys provides C++ APIs for engineering simulation and optimization. It aims at complex systems driven by fluid, structure, multi-body dynamics and beyond. The multi-physics library is based on a unique and unified computational framework by which strong coupling has been achieved for all involved physics.
Apache License 2.0
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Functions in solid particles #490

Open Xiangyu-Hu opened 5 months ago

Xiangyu-Hu commented 5 months ago

https://github.com/Xiangyu-Hu/SPHinXsys/blob/dce21a0ae44c03a8fce7ef02e70848861054a958/tests/unit_tests_src/shared/particle_dynamics/solid_dynamics/test_thin_structure_dynamics/test_thin_structure_dynamics.cpp#L220 @DongWuTUM I am thinking delete the stress related functions in solid particles class. Could you replace this line without use function in solid particles? Thanks.