Xiangyu-Hu / SPHinXsys

SPHinXsys provides C++ APIs for engineering simulation and optimization. It aims at complex systems driven by fluid, structure, multi-body dynamics and beyond. The multi-physics library is based on a unique and unified computational framework by which strong coupling has been achieved for all involved physics.
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delete functions in solid particle #569

Open Xiangyu-Hu opened 2 weeks ago

Xiangyu-Hu commented 2 weeks ago


In order to achieve separation between particle class from physical method classes, I am going to clean all particles so that at last only base particles left. For this, I need to clean all functions in particles classes.

@BenceVirtonomy @FabienPean-Virtonomy Could you help to move these functions out, or I can delete if they are not useful anymore?

FabienPean-Virtonomy commented 1 week ago

In order to achieve separation between particle class from physical method classes, I am going to clean all particles so that at last only base particles left. For this, I need to clean all functions in particles classes.

I agree that they should be free functions, they can be cut out of the ElasticSOlidParticles class