Xianpeng919 / MonoCon

Learning Auxiliary Monocular Contexts Helps Monocular 3D Object Detection (AAAI'22)
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Stuck when downloading from http://dl.yf.io/dla/models #14

Closed zijianh4 closed 1 year ago

zijianh4 commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for your great work. Currently, I am trying to train a model by myself, and it seems that the link http://dl.yf.io/dla/models is down. Do you have a local copy of the http://dl.yf.io/dla/models/imagenet/dla34-ba72cf86.pth model, or what I can only do is to wait the link works again? Thanks!

zqdhnb commented 1 year ago

@zijianh4 Hi, May I ask how do you solve this problem?

zijianh4 commented 1 year ago

Hi, the server will resume after some time but I am not sure how long it will be. Previously, I just waited for one or two more days and the model can be downloaded.