Xianpeng919 / MonoCon

Learning Auxiliary Monocular Contexts Helps Monocular 3D Object Detection (AAAI'22)
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Can't get correct visualize results by args: "--show" #19

Closed BokyLiu closed 1 year ago

BokyLiu commented 1 year ago

I think this command tools/test.py configs/monocon/monocon_dla34_inference_200e_kitti.py ../monocon_val_ckpt.pth --eval bbox --show-dir show --show could not visualize the monocon's result. Did anyone know how to visualize detect results?

BokyLiu commented 1 year ago

Got it, implement function show_results , refer to implemention in SingleStageMono3DDetector

chenyonx commented 1 year ago

so,how to solve zhe problem?