XiaoFaye / WooCommerce.NET

A .NET Wrapper for WooCommerce/WordPress REST API
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Create product with 2 attributes and variation for all combinations of them #729

Closed tiziana-git closed 1 year ago

tiziana-git commented 1 year ago

Where can i find an example of how to create 2 attributes for a product and then all the variation? I can create a product with 2 attributes but then how to reproduce the "Create variations from all attributes" button behaviour?

        Dim oProdNew As Product = New Product()
        oProdNew.name = "Product 1"
        oProdNew.price = 12.65
        oProdNew.regular_price = 12.65
        oProdNew.description = "This is product 1"
        oProdNew.type = "variable"
        oProdNew.stock_quantity = 10
        oProdNew.attributes = New List(Of ProductAttributeLine) From {
            New ProductAttributeLine With {
                .name = "Color",
                .position = 1,
                .variation = True,
                .visible = True,
                .options = New List(Of String) From {
                 New ProductAttributeLine With {
                .name = "Size",
                .position = 2,
                .variation = True,
                .visible = True,
                .options = New List(Of String) From {