XiaoMi / mace

MACE is a deep learning inference framework optimized for mobile heterogeneous computing platforms.
Apache License 2.0
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tensorflow to mace run failed #228

Closed wayen820 closed 6 years ago

wayen820 commented 6 years ago

System information

Model deploy file (*.yml)

library_name: my_net
target_abis: [armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a]
model_graph_format: file
model_data_format: file
    platform: tensorflow
    model_file_path: /home/wayen/program/mace/my_model/tf_model_opt.pb
    model_sha256_checksum: 5ebcdfc742c7c91b72adb2bf0f0fce2119212d3ef2d50c4ab496bf8a0db66917
      - input_tensors:
          - data
          - 1,112,112,3
          - fc1
          - 1,128
    runtime: cpu+gpu
    limit_opencl_kernel_time: 0
    nnlib_graph_mode: 0
    obfuscate: 0
    winograd: 0

Describe the problem

I have a tensorflow model,and I have used conver.py tool to successfully convert to Mace,here is the convert log:

Final ops:
data (BufferTransform): [[1L, 112L, 112L, 3L]]
sub (Eltwise): [[1L, 112L, 112L, 3L]]
mul (Eltwise): [[1L, 112L, 112L, 3L]]
Pad (Pad): [[1L, 114L, 114L, 3L]]
conv_1_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_1_batchnorm/sub/_1__cf__1_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_1_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
Relu (Activation): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
conv_1_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
sub_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
mul_2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
conv_1_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
Pad_1 (Pad): [[1L, 58L, 58L, 64L]]
conv_2_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
conv_2_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/mul/_2__cf__2_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/sub/_3__cf__3_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
Relu_1 (Activation): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
conv_2_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
sub_2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
mul_3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
mul_4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
conv_2_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 64L]]
dconv_23_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_23_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_13__cf__13_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_23_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
Relu_2 (Activation): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
dconv_23_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
sub_3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
mul_5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
mul_6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
dconv_23_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 56L, 56L, 128L]]
Pad_2 (Pad): [[1L, 58L, 58L, 128L]]
dconv_23_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
dconv_23_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_8__cf__8_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_9__cf__9_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_3 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
dconv_23_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
dconv_23_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
dconv_23_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_23_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_11__cf__11_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_23_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
res_3_block0_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_33__cf__33_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_4 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block0_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block0_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Pad_3 (Pad): [[1L, 30L, 30L, 128L]]
res_3_block0_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_3_block0_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_28__cf__28_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_29__cf__29_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_5 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block0_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_12 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block0_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block0_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_31__cf__31_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
A_plus0 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
res_3_block1_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_39__cf__39_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_6 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block1_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_13 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_14 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block1_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Pad_4 (Pad): [[1L, 30L, 30L, 128L]]
res_3_block1_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_3_block1_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_34__cf__34_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_35__cf__35_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_7 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block1_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_15 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_16 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block1_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block1_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_37__cf__37_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
A_plus1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
res_3_block2_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_45__cf__45_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_8 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block2_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_17 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_18 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block2_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Pad_5 (Pad): [[1L, 30L, 30L, 128L]]
res_3_block2_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_3_block2_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_40__cf__40_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_41__cf__41_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_9 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block2_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_19 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_20 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block2_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block2_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_43__cf__43_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
A_plus2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
res_3_block3_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_51__cf__51_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_10 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block3_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_21 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_22 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block3_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Pad_6 (Pad): [[1L, 30L, 30L, 128L]]
res_3_block3_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_3_block3_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_46__cf__46_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_47__cf__47_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
Relu_11 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block3_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
sub_12 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_23 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
mul_24 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block3_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 128L]]
res_3_block3_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_49__cf__49_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_3_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
A_plus3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 64L]]
dconv_34_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_34_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_19__cf__19_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_34_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
Relu_12 (Activation): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
dconv_34_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_12 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
sub_13 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
mul_25 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
mul_26 (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
dconv_34_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 28L, 28L, 256L]]
Pad_7 (Pad): [[1L, 30L, 30L, 256L]]
dconv_34_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
dconv_34_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_14__cf__14_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_15__cf__15_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_13 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
dconv_34_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_13 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_14 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_27 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_28 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
dconv_34_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
dconv_34_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_34_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_17__cf__17_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_34_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
res_4_block0_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_57__cf__57_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_14 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block0_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_14 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_15 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_29 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_30 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block0_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Pad_8 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 256L]]
res_4_block0_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_4_block0_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_52__cf__52_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_53__cf__53_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_15 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block0_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_15 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_16 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_31 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_32 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block0_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block0_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_55__cf__55_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
A_plus4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
res_4_block1_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_63__cf__63_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_16 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block1_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_16 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_17 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_33 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_34 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block1_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Pad_9 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 256L]]
res_4_block1_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_4_block1_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_58__cf__58_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_59__cf__59_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_17 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block1_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_17 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_18 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_35 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_36 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block1_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block1_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_61__cf__61_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
A_plus5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
res_4_block2_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_69__cf__69_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_18 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block2_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_18 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_19 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_37 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_38 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block2_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Pad_10 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 256L]]
res_4_block2_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_4_block2_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_64__cf__64_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_65__cf__65_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_19 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block2_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_19 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_20 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_39 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_40 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block2_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block2_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_67__cf__67_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
A_plus6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
res_4_block3_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_75__cf__75_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_20 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block3_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_20 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_21 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_41 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_42 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block3_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Pad_11 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 256L]]
res_4_block3_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_4_block3_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_70__cf__70_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_71__cf__71_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_21 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block3_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_21 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_22 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_43 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_44 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block3_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block3_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_73__cf__73_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
A_plus7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
res_4_block4_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block4_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_81__cf__81_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block4_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_22 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block4_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_22 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_23 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_45 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_46 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block4_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Pad_12 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 256L]]
res_4_block4_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_4_block4_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_76__cf__76_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_77__cf__77_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_23 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block4_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_23 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_24 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_47 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_48 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block4_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block4_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block4_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_79__cf__79_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block4_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
A_plus8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
res_4_block5_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block5_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_87__cf__87_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block5_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_24 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block5_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_24 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_25 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_49 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_50 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block5_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Pad_13 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 256L]]
res_4_block5_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_4_block5_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_82__cf__82_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_83__cf__83_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
Relu_25 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block5_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_25 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
sub_26 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_51 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
mul_52 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block5_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 256L]]
res_4_block5_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block5_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_85__cf__85_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_4_block5_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
A_plus9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 128L]]
dconv_45_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_45_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_25__cf__25_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_45_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
Relu_26 (Activation): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
dconv_45_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_26 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
sub_27 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
mul_53 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
mul_54 (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
dconv_45_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 14L, 14L, 512L]]
Pad_14 (Pad): [[1L, 16L, 16L, 512L]]
dconv_45_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
dconv_45_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_20__cf__20_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_21__cf__21_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
Relu_27 (Activation): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
dconv_45_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_27 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
sub_28 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
mul_55 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
mul_56 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
dconv_45_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
dconv_45_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_45_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_23__cf__23_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bndconv_45_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 128L]]
res_5_block0_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_93__cf__93_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
Relu_28 (Activation): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block0_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_28 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
sub_29 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_57 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_58 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block0_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
Pad_15 (Pad): [[1L, 9L, 9L, 256L]]
res_5_block0_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_5_block0_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_88__cf__88_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_89__cf__89_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
Relu_29 (Activation): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block0_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_29 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
sub_30 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_59 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_60 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block0_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block0_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_91__cf__91_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 128L]]
A_plus10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 128L]]
res_5_block1_conv_sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/sub/_99__cf__99_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
Relu_30 (Activation): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block1_conv_sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_30 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
sub_31 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_61 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_62 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block1_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
Pad_16 (Pad): [[1L, 9L, 9L, 256L]]
res_5_block1_conv_dw_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
res_5_block1_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul/_94__cf__94_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/sub/_95__cf__95_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
Relu_31 (Activation): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block1_conv_dw_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_31 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
sub_32 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_63 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
mul_64 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block1_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 256L]]
res_5_block1_conv_proj_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/sub/_97__cf__97_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnres_5_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 128L]]
A_plus11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 128L]]
conv_6sep_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_6sep_batchnorm/sub/_7__cf__7_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_6sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
Relu_32 (Activation): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
conv_6sep_relu_gamma_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
Abs_32 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
sub_33 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
mul_65 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
mul_66 (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
conv_6sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 7L, 7L, 512L]]
conv_6dw7_7_conv2d_weight_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
conv_6dw7_7_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 1L, 1L, 512L]]
bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul/_4__cf__4_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 1L, 1L, 512L]]
bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/sub/_5__cf__5_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 1L, 1L, 512L]]
xw_plus_b/MatMul (MatMul): [[1L, 1L, 1L, 128L]]
pre_fc1_bias_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
xw_plus_b (BiasAdd): [[1L, 1L, 1L, 128L]]
pre_fc1 (Squeeze): [[1L, 128L]]
bnfc1/mul/_26__cf__26_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnfc1/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L]]
bnfc1/sub/_27__cf__27_0_b2i (BufferTransform): []
bnfc1/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L]]
mace_output_node_fc1 (BufferInverseTransform): []
Add quantize tensor range
start optimize gpu memory.
total op: 470
(0, 'GPU_IMAGE', [112L, 112L])
(1, 'GPU_IMAGE', [114L, 114L])
(2, 'GPU_IMAGE', [1792L, 56L])
(3, 'GPU_IMAGE', [2048L, 58L])
(4, 'GPU_IMAGE', [1792L, 56L])
(5, 'GPU_IMAGE', [1792L, 56L])
(6, 'GPU_IMAGE', [1792L, 30L])
origin mem: 24391500, optimized mem: 1996560
GPU memory optimization done.
Remove identity: fc1(Identity)
Transform add to biasadd: bnconv_1_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_23_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_23_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_3_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_34_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_34_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block4_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block4_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block5_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_4_block5_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_45_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bndconv_45_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_5_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_5_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_5_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnres_5_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnconv_6sep_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1(Eltwise)
Transform add to biasadd: bnfc1/add_1(Eltwise)
Fold biasadd: bnconv_1_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bndconv_23_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bndconv_23_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_3_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bndconv_34_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bndconv_34_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block4_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block4_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block5_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_4_block5_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bndconv_45_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bndconv_45_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_5_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_5_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_5_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnres_5_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Fold biasadd: bnconv_6sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: sub(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: bnconv_1_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_2(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: conv_1_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_1(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_1(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: conv_2_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_1(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_2(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_3(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_4(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: conv_2_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_23_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_2(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_2(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_3(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_5(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_6(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_23_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_2(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_2(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_23_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_3(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_3(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_4(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_7(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_8(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_23_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_23_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_4(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_4(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_5(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_9(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_10(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block0_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_3(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_3(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block0_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_5(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_5(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_6(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_11(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_12(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block0_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus0(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_6(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_6(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_7(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_13(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_14(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block1_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_4(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_4(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block1_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_7(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_7(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_8(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_15(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_16(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block1_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_8(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_8(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_9(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_17(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_18(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block2_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_5(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_5(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block2_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_9(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_9(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_10(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_19(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_20(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block2_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus2(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_10(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_10(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_11(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_21(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_22(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block3_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_6(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_6(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block3_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_11(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_11(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_12(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_23(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_24(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_3_block3_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_3_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus3(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_34_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_12(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_12(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_13(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_25(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_26(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_34_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_7(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_7(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_34_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_13(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_13(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_14(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_27(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_28(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_34_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_34_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_14(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_14(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_15(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_29(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_30(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block0_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_8(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_8(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block0_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_15(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_15(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_16(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_31(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_32(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block0_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus4(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_16(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_16(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_17(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_33(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_34(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block1_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_9(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_9(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block1_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_17(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_17(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_18(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_35(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_36(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block1_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus5(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_18(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_18(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_19(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_37(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_38(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block2_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_10(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_10(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block2_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_19(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_19(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_20(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_39(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_40(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block2_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus6(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_20(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_20(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_21(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_41(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_42(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block3_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_11(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_11(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block3_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_21(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_21(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_22(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_43(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_44(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block3_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus7(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block4_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_22(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_22(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_23(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_45(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_46(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block4_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_12(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_12(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block4_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_23(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_23(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_24(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_47(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_48(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block4_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block4_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus8(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block5_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_24(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_24(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_25(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_49(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_50(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block5_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_13(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_13(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block5_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_25(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_25(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_26(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_51(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_52(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_4_block5_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_4_block5_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus9(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_45_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_26(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_26(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_27(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_53(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_54(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_45_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_14(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_14(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_45_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_27(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_27(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_28(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_55(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_56(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: dconv_45_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bndconv_45_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_28(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_28(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_29(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_57(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_58(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_5_block0_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_15(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_15(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_5_block0_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_29(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_29(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_30(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_59(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_60(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_5_block0_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus10(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_30(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_30(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_31(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_61(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_62(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_5_block1_conv_sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose pad args: Pad_16(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: Pad_16(Pad)
Transpose output shapes: res_5_block1_conv_dw_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_31(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_31(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_32(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_63(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_64(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: res_5_block1_conv_dw_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnres_5_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: A_plus11(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnconv_6sep_batchnorm/mul_1(Conv2D)
Transpose output shapes: Relu_32(Activation)
Transpose output shapes: Abs_32(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: sub_33(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_65(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: mul_66(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: conv_6sep_relu(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: conv_6dw7_7_conv2d(DepthwiseConv2d)
Transpose output shapes: bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose output shapes: xw_plus_b/MatMul(MatMul)
Transpose output shapes: xw_plus_b(BiasAdd)
Transpose squeeze args: pre_fc1(Squeeze)
Transpose output shapes: pre_fc1(Squeeze)
Transpose output shapes: bnfc1/mul_1(Eltwise)
Transpose output shapes: bnfc1/add_1(BiasAdd)
Transpose input/output to NCHW
update op with float data type
Sort by execution
Final ops:
data (Transpose): [[1L, 3L, 112L, 112L]]
sub (Eltwise): [[1L, 3L, 112L, 112L]]
mul (Eltwise): [[1L, 3L, 112L, 112L]]
Pad (Pad): [[1L, 3L, 114L, 114L]]
bnconv_1_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
Relu (Activation): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
Abs (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
sub_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
mul_2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
conv_1_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
Pad_1 (Pad): [[1L, 64L, 58L, 58L]]
conv_2_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
bnconv_2_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
Relu_1 (Activation): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
Abs_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
sub_2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
mul_3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
mul_4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
conv_2_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 56L, 56L]]
bndconv_23_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
Relu_2 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
Abs_2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
sub_3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
mul_5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
mul_6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
dconv_23_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 56L, 56L]]
Pad_2 (Pad): [[1L, 128L, 58L, 58L]]
dconv_23_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bndconv_23_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_3 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
dconv_23_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bndconv_23_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_4 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block0_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Pad_3 (Pad): [[1L, 128L, 30L, 30L]]
res_3_block0_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_5 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_12 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block0_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
A_plus0 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_6 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_13 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_14 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block1_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Pad_4 (Pad): [[1L, 128L, 30L, 30L]]
res_3_block1_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_7 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_15 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_16 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block1_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
A_plus1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_8 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_17 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_18 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block2_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Pad_5 (Pad): [[1L, 128L, 30L, 30L]]
res_3_block2_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_9 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_19 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_20 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block2_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
A_plus2 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_10 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_21 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_22 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block3_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Pad_6 (Pad): [[1L, 128L, 30L, 30L]]
res_3_block3_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_11 (Activation): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_12 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_23 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_24 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
res_3_block3_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 28L, 28L]]
bnres_3_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
A_plus3 (Eltwise): [[1L, 64L, 28L, 28L]]
bndconv_34_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
Relu_12 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
Abs_12 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
sub_13 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_25 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
mul_26 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
dconv_34_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 28L, 28L]]
Pad_7 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 30L, 30L]]
dconv_34_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bndconv_34_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_13 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_13 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_14 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_27 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_28 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
dconv_34_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bndconv_34_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_14 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_14 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_15 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_29 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_30 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block0_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_8 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 16L, 16L]]
res_4_block0_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_15 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_15 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_16 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_31 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_32 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block0_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
A_plus4 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_16 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_16 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_17 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_33 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_34 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block1_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_9 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 16L, 16L]]
res_4_block1_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_17 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_17 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_18 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_35 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_36 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block1_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
A_plus5 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block2_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_18 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_18 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_19 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_37 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_38 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block2_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_10 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 16L, 16L]]
res_4_block2_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block2_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_19 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_19 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_20 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_39 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_40 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block2_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block2_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
A_plus6 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block3_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_20 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_20 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_21 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_41 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_42 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block3_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_11 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 16L, 16L]]
res_4_block3_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block3_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_21 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_21 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_22 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_43 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_44 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block3_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block3_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
A_plus7 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block4_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_22 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_22 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_23 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_45 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_46 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block4_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_12 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 16L, 16L]]
res_4_block4_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block4_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_23 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_23 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_24 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_47 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_48 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block4_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block4_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
A_plus8 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block5_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_24 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_24 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_25 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_49 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_50 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block5_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_13 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 16L, 16L]]
res_4_block5_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block5_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_25 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_25 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_26 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_51 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_52 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
res_4_block5_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 14L, 14L]]
bnres_4_block5_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
A_plus9 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 14L, 14L]]
bndconv_45_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
Relu_26 (Activation): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
Abs_26 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
sub_27 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_53 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
mul_54 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
dconv_45_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 14L, 14L]]
Pad_14 (Pad): [[1L, 512L, 16L, 16L]]
dconv_45_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
bndconv_45_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
Relu_27 (Activation): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
Abs_27 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
sub_28 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_55 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_56 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
dconv_45_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
bndconv_45_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block0_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Relu_28 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Abs_28 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
sub_29 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_57 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_58 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
res_5_block0_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Pad_15 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 9L, 9L]]
res_5_block0_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block0_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Relu_29 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Abs_29 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
sub_30 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_59 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_60 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
res_5_block0_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block0_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 7L, 7L]]
A_plus10 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block1_conv_sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Relu_30 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Abs_30 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
sub_31 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_61 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_62 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
res_5_block1_conv_sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Pad_16 (Pad): [[1L, 256L, 9L, 9L]]
res_5_block1_conv_dw_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block1_conv_dw_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Relu_31 (Activation): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
Abs_31 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
sub_32 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_63 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_64 (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
res_5_block1_conv_dw_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 256L, 7L, 7L]]
bnres_5_block1_conv_proj_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 128L, 7L, 7L]]
A_plus11 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L, 7L, 7L]]
bnconv_6sep_batchnorm/mul_1 (Conv2D): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
Relu_32 (Activation): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
Abs_32 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
sub_33 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_65 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
mul_66 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
conv_6sep_relu (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 7L, 7L]]
conv_6dw7_7_conv2d (DepthwiseConv2d): [[1L, 512L, 1L, 1L]]
bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 512L, 1L, 1L]]
bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 512L, 1L, 1L]]
xw_plus_b/MatMul (MatMul): [[1L, 128L, 1L, 1L]]
xw_plus_b (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L, 1L, 1L]]
pre_fc1 (Squeeze): [[1L, 128L]]
bnfc1/mul_1 (Eltwise): [[1L, 128L]]
bnfc1/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 128L]]
mace_output_node_fc1 (Identity): [[1L, 128L]]
Add quantize tensor range
start optimize cpu memory.
total op: 319
(0, 'CPU_BUFFER', [1722368L])
(1, 'CPU_BUFFER', [1605632L])
(2, 'CPU_BUFFER', [1605632L])
(3, 'CPU_BUFFER', [1605632L])
(4, 'CPU_BUFFER', [921600L])
origin mem: 24391628, optimized mem: 7460864
CPU memory optimization done.
Merge cpu and gpu ops together
Merge done
          Model mymodel converted          

|      key       |       value        |
| MACE Model Path| builds/my_net/model|

but when I try to run this model, it failed,here is the log:

I mace_run.cc:431 mace version: v0.9.0-278-gc7dbd32-20181023
I mace_run.cc:432 input node: data
I mace_run.cc:433 input shape: 1,112,112,3
I mace_run.cc:434 output node: fc1
I mace_run.cc:435 output shape: 1,128
I mace_run.cc:436 input_file: /data/local/tmp/mace_run/model_input
I mace_run.cc:437 output_file: /data/local/tmp/mace_run/model_out
I mace_run.cc:438 model_data_file: /data/local/tmp/mace_run/mobilefacenet_y1.data
I mace_run.cc:439 model_file: /data/local/tmp/mace_run/mobilefacenet_y1.pb
I mace_run.cc:440 device: CPU
I mace_run.cc:441 round: 1
I mace_run.cc:442 restart_round: 1
I mace_run.cc:443 gpu_perf_hint: 3
I mace_run.cc:444 gpu_priority_hint: 3
I mace_run.cc:445 omp_num_threads: -1
I mace_run.cc:446 cpu_affinity_policy: 1
I mace_run.cc:469 restart round 0
I mace.cc:629 Create MaceEngine from model pb
I mace.cc:387 Creating MaceEngine, MACE version: v0.9.0-278-gc7dbd32-20181023
I mace.cc:483 Loading Model Data
I mace.cc:413 Initializing MaceEngine
I mace_run.cc:275 Total init latency: 82.815 ms
I mace_run.cc:315 Warm up run
W tensor.h:286 bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1:0: Resize buffer from size 921664 to 1048640
F matmul.h:47 Check failed: A->dim(i) == B->dim(i) batch dimensions are not equal: 512 vs. 1

it seems the last fullconnection layer went wrong,but I can't fix it. here is my model and yml file,https://share.weiyun.com/5P0FEoo

nolanliou commented 6 years ago

There should be a reshape operation between the following two ops to convert the 4D input to 2D to do FC usually.

bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1 (BiasAdd): [[1L, 512L, 1L, 1L]]
xw_plus_b/MatMul (MatMul): [[1L, 128L, 1L, 1L]]
princehq commented 6 years ago

I print some logs on the last few layers and find that may not be the reason. why the shape of bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul_1:0 is [1, 512, 1, 512, ],it should have been [1,512,1,1]) after bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul.Is there a mistake?

I tensor.h:189 Tensor conv_6dw7_7_conv2d:0 size: [1, 512, 1, 1, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul/_4__cf__4:0 size: [512, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul_1:0 size: []

W tensor.h:297 bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1:0: Resize buffer from size 921664 to 1048640
I tensor.h:189 Tensor bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/mul_1:0 size: [1, 512, 1, 512, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/sub/_5__cf__5:0 size: [512, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1:0 size: [1, 512, 1, 512, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor bnconv_6dw7_7_batchnorm/add_1:0 size: [1, 512, 1, 512, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor fc1_weight:0 size: [1, 1, 512, 128, ]

I tensor.h:189 Tensor xw_plus_b/MatMul:0 size: []

F matmul.h:51 Check failed: A->dim(i) == B->dim(i) batch dimensions are not equal: 512 vs. 1
wayen820 commented 6 years ago

mace/mace/kernels/eltwise.h 860 have a bug,< should be <=,and gpu don't support matmul op,I replace it use FC op,and everything is ok.

nolanliou commented 6 years ago

@wayen820 happy to hear that. a few questions:

  1. Could you post a PR for fixing the bug or paste the file link of bug? we could not find the line because the code has changed.
  2. FC op you use is the dense layer?
wayen820 commented 6 years ago

I have already post a PR. I found that dense layer in TensorFlow is also achieved through MATMUL, so there is no way to distinguish between the two in Mace. I replaced tensorflow_converter.py Matmul directly with FC Op