Closed ysh329 closed 5 years ago
Besides, I checked /dev
path as below:
bash-3.2$ pwd
bash-3.2$ ls
afsc_type5 null ptyr4 ptytf ptywa ttypd ttys007 ttyua
auditpipe oslog ptyr5 ptyu0 ptywb ttype ttys009 ttyub
auditsessions oslog_stream ptyr6 ptyu1 ptywc ttypf ttys1 ttyuc
autofs pf ptyr7 ptyu2 ptywd ttyq0 ttys2 ttyud
autofs_control pfm ptyr8 ptyu3 ptywe ttyq1 ttys3 ttyue
autofs_homedirmounter profile ptyr9 ptyu4 ptywf ttyq2 ttys4 ttyuf
autofs_notrigger ptmx ptyra ptyu5 random ttyq3 ttys5 ttyv0
autofs_nowait ptyp0 ptyrb ptyu6 rdisk0 ttyq4 ttys6 ttyv1
bpf0 ptyp1 ptyrc ptyu7 rdisk0s1 ttyq5 ttys7 ttyv2
bpf1 ptyp2 ptyrd ptyu8 rdisk0s2 ttyq6 ttys8 ttyv3
bpf2 ptyp3 ptyre ptyu9 rdisk1 ttyq7 ttys9 ttyv4
bpf3 ptyp4 ptyrf ptyua rdisk1s1 ttyq8 ttysa ttyv5
bpf4 ptyp5 ptys0 ptyub rdisk1s2 ttyq9 ttysb ttyv6
console ptyp6 ptys1 ptyuc rdisk1s3 ttyqa ttysc ttyv7
cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port ptyp7 ptys2 ptyud rdisk1s4 ttyqb ttysd ttyv8
disk0 ptyp8 ptys3 ptyue rdisk2 ttyqc ttyse ttyv9
disk0s1 ptyp9 ptys4 ptyuf rdisk2s1 ttyqd ttysf ttyva
disk0s2 ptypa ptys5 ptyv0 rdisk3 ttyqe ttyt0 ttyvb
disk1 ptypb ptys6 ptyv1 rdisk3s1 ttyqf ttyt1 ttyvc
disk1s1 ptypc ptys7 ptyv2 rdisk3s2 ttyr0 ttyt2 ttyvd
disk1s2 ptypd ptys8 ptyv3 rdisk4 ttyr1 ttyt3 ttyve
disk1s3 ptype ptys9 ptyv4 rdisk4s1 ttyr2 ttyt4 ttyvf
disk1s4 ptypf ptysa ptyv5 rdisk4s2 ttyr3 ttyt5 ttyw0
disk2 ptyq0 ptysb ptyv6 sdt ttyr4 ttyt6 ttyw1
disk2s1 ptyq1 ptysc ptyv7 stderr ttyr5 ttyt7 ttyw2
disk3 ptyq2 ptysd ptyv8 stdin ttyr6 ttyt8 ttyw3
disk3s1 ptyq3 ptyse ptyv9 stdout ttyr7 ttyt9 ttyw4
disk3s2 ptyq4 ptysf ptyva systrace ttyr8 ttyta ttyw5
disk4 ptyq5 ptyt0 ptyvb tty ttyr9 ttytb ttyw6
disk4s1 ptyq6 ptyt1 ptyvc tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port ttyra ttytc ttyw7
disk4s2 ptyq7 ptyt2 ptyvd ttyp0 ttyrb ttytd ttyw8
dtrace ptyq8 ptyt3 ptyve ttyp1 ttyrc ttyte ttyw9
dtracehelper ptyq9 ptyt4 ptyvf ttyp2 ttyrd ttytf ttywa
fbt ptyqa ptyt5 ptyw0 ttyp3 ttyre ttyu0 ttywb
fd ptyqb ptyt6 ptyw1 ttyp4 ttyrf ttyu1 ttywc
fsevents ptyqc ptyt7 ptyw2 ttyp5 ttys0 ttyu2 ttywd
io8log ptyqd ptyt8 ptyw3 ttyp6 ttys000 ttyu3 ttywe
io8logmt ptyqe ptyt9 ptyw4 ttyp7 ttys001 ttyu4 ttywf
io8logtemp ptyqf ptyta ptyw5 ttyp8 ttys002 ttyu5 uart.BLTH
klog ptyr0 ptytb ptyw6 ttyp9 ttys003 ttyu6 urandom
lockstat ptyr1 ptytc ptyw7 ttypa ttys004 ttyu7 xcpm
machtrace ptyr2 ptytd ptyw8 ttypb ttys005 ttyu8 zero
nsmb0 ptyr3 ptyte ptyw9 ttypc ttys006 ttyu9
No usb device or relevant key words found.
Is /dev/tty.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
It's recommeded to use mace docker image on Linux system.
Docker of MacOS doesn't support.
hi, I run this docker images according to MACE docs: using docker section as below.
However, my system is MacOS, something with USB devices not match: MacOS doesn't have
path. Have any idea? Thanks in advance.