XiaoMi / ozhera

Application Observable Platform in the Cloud Native Era
Apache License 2.0
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[enhancement] OzHera Intelligent Exploration #309

Closed sadadw1 closed 1 month ago

sadadw1 commented 4 months ago

Currently, with the rapid development of AI, OzHera also hopes to explore some avenues in the field of AI. Currently, there are internal teams at Xiaomi working on AI-related products, and we hope to integrate with them to make OzHera smarter. As of now, there have been advancements in AI products in areas such as knowledge bases, agents, and code. Our main consideration is how to empower OzHera with AI while also enriching AI products within OzHera.

Several directions for the intelligentization of OzHera come to mind:

Answering questions and providing guidance.

OzHera has accumulated many documents (user manuals, application integration documents, deployment documents, FAQs, etc.), which can be imported into an AI knowledge base and used by agents to answer questions and provide guidance.

Enhancing the efficiency of OzHera developers.

In day-to-day development, we can use AI tools' code capabilities to improve efficiency.

Enriching AI product functionality.

Intelligent troubleshooting.

OzHera actually has rich runtime error diagnostic bases. When an error occurs, we can diagnose it based on these foundations and even make repairs. relation issue #174

sadadw1 commented 1 month ago

Currently, we have achieved some results in intelligence. You can specifically check out these two articles:

