XiaoMi / ozhera

Application Observable Platform in the Cloud Native Era
Apache License 2.0
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[discussion] Can Ozhera separate the log collection module and deploy it separately? #389

Open lingh-byte opened 2 days ago

lingh-byte commented 2 days ago

Issue Description: OzHera is an great Observable Platform,it integrates metrics monitoring, link tracing, logging, and alerts. But my application is relatively lightweight, with only a few servers, and some applications even have only one server. OzHera is too heavy for me. I don't need link tracing. What I want more is the log collection.

Can the log collection module be separated and deployed separately?

goodjava commented 2 days ago

Ozhera is a comprehensive solution. The user experience we aim to provide is that after integrating OzHera, all app metrics can be automatically connected. This keeps the user's implementation cost sufficiently low. However, from another perspective, it's difficult to say whether a monolithic application or microservices are superior, as this depends on the complexity of your service. We will discuss here the possibility of providing the option to deploy the log service separately.

sadadw1 commented 2 days ago

Deploying the OzHera logging module separately is very beneficial for some small and medium-sized enterprises, especially startups. However, does this deviate from OzHera's original intention of maximizing interconnected advantages?

If we separate the logging as an independent service, there are several issues to consider:

wodiwudi commented 2 days ago

I think this is feasible, because OzHera is relatively large, and deploying OzHera is a bit complicated, which has caused some trouble for open source developer. If the more commonly used log part can be separated out or deployed separately, I think it will be great for open source developer.

gaoxh commented 2 days ago

Personally, I think that for similar user needs, it is recommended that Ozhera consider providing optional module deployment solutions, or deploy the log module independently; but it is not recommended to separate the log from Ozhera directly, because in a sense, the log is an indispensable part of the monitoring system. The original intention of Ozhera is to create an observable platform that integrates metric observation and alarm, trace, and log. The purpose is to form a complete closed-loop observation of metric alarm->trace>log, and the observation of trace and metric is inseparable from the auxiliary analysis of log information, so an integrated log module is more applicable in most occasions.

wtt40122 commented 2 days ago

I believe it is possible, but some metadata issues need to be addressed. However, I still recommend using its other features, as they are more user-friendly for development and troubleshooting. It just takes some time to get used to.