XiaoTaoWang / HiCLift

A fast and efficient tool for converting chromatin interaction data between genome assemblies
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HiCLift from cool to hic - invalid literal for int() error #17

Open Saranya-Balachandran opened 7 months ago

Saranya-Balachandran commented 7 months ago

Dear XiaoTao, I am trying to convert from cool to hic. Command used : HiCLift --input hiC/GSE116862_50k_sum.cool --input-format cooler --out-pre GSE116862_sum --output-format hic --in-assembly hg19 --out-assembly hg19 --out-chromsizes hiC/hg19.chrom.sizes

But I encounter the following error:

root INFO @ 02/11/24 21:12:12:


Input path = hiC/GSE116862_50k_sum.cool

Input format = cooler

Output prefix = GSE116862_sum

Output format = hic

Chromosome Sizes of the output assembly = hiC/hg19.chrom.sizes

Generate contact maps at 11 resolutions = False

Input assembly = hg19

Output assembly = hg19

Chain file = None

Temporary Dir = .HiCLift

Allocated memory = 8G

Number of Processes = 8

Log file name = HiCLift.log

root INFO @ 02/11/24 21:12:13: Trying to perform a pure format conversion without liftover ... HiCLift.utilities INFO @ 02/11/24 21:12:13: Writing headers ... HiCLift.utilities INFO @ 02/11/24 21:12:13: Dumping contact pairs from hiC/GSE116862_50k_sum.cool ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/work/anaconda3/envs/HiCLift/bin/HiCLift", line 137, in run() File "/work/anaconda3/envs/HiCLift/bin/HiCLift", line 110, in run liftover( File "/work/anaconda3/envs/HiCLift/lib/python3.9/site-packages/HiCLift/utilities.py", line 178, in liftover total_count, mapped_count = _pixel_to_reads(stdin_wrapper, File "/work/anaconda3/envs/HiCLift/lib/python3.9/site-packages/HiCLift/io.py", line 190, in _pixel_toreads s1, s2, e1, e2, v = int(s1), int(s2), int(e1), int(e2_), int(v) ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '212.724'

Thanks for the tool.