Xiaoyu2425 / mEQO

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example #4

Open JoseLopezArcondo opened 1 year ago

JoseLopezArcondo commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am trying to run the example by running: aic<-sapply(1:5,function(N){ assemblage<-EQO_bls(Microbiome,trait,Nmax=N)$abundance return(AIC(lm(trait~assemblage))+2*(N-1)) }) and I get that aic values are decreasing each time, so I guess the best would be N=1, but shouldn't it be lower with N=3?

"[1] -44.22777 -72.59727 -1438.29760 -1436.29760 -1434.29760" (this is also happening with other datasets, like the ones from the paper) also, when running nodes<-can$nodes nodes$color.background=c("#CF0A0A","#F8C957","#125D98","#928B8B","#C65D7B","#4E944F","#5EA3A6","#DD6B4D") apparently, there is some inconsistency with the number of taxa in the group I get:

"Error in $<-.data.frame(*tmp*, color.background, value = c("#CF0A0A", : replacement has 8 rows, data has 4"

Is it a way to check all these inconsistencies?