Xiexe / XSOverlay-Issue-Tracker

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Grey screens in VR #252

Closed MrDj200 closed 1 year ago

MrDj200 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug in detail: So I've gotten a weird issue on the new Beta: Every now and then (was not able to figure out what triggers it) I get a brown screen followed by a grey screen for about 5 seconds. It only happens when XSO is actually running (tested over ~8 hours. Repeatedly turning XSO on for a while and then off) At first I thought it was my VR cable/headset being broken, but as I said, it only happens when XSO is running.

Provide steps to reproduce the bug: It seemed to be happening randomly. Was not able to reliable make it happen (other than waiting)

Expected behavior: No greyscreen

Output Log: output_log_2023-02-11__22.08.49.txt uWindowCapture.log uDesktopDuplication.log You can find the uWindowCapture and uDesktopCapture log in the XSOverlay install directory. Please attach your logs to the issue.

Additional Information: HMD: Index Other vr overlays: FPSVR & OVRAS

MrDj200 commented 1 year ago

Update: Same thing happens in Stable branch. Which is weird, cause it never happened before. But it still only happens when XSO is running. What troubleshooting steps could I try?

Xiexe commented 1 year ago

Try updating your motherboard bios. Otherwise, you may have some other issue that XSO is just allowing to be visible.

MrDj200 commented 1 year ago

As it turns out, something just changed the XSO notification scale to infinity and beyond, so the notification was just so enormous, it looked like a grey screen lol. Not quite sure what caused it to flash white (and blind me in the process) though.

Forgot to close this ^^