Xiexe / XSOverlay-Issue-Tracker

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Revolutionizing VR Text Input: The VR Swipe Keyboard #311

Open JoRoFox opened 8 months ago

JoRoFox commented 8 months ago

Dear Creator of XSOverlay,

I would like to suggest the implementation of a VR Swipe Keyboard, similar to the swipe keyboard found on smartphones. This would make it much easier to type text in VR, as users could simply swipe their laser pointer across the keyboard to form words, rather than having to individually select each letter. I have found a GitHub repository that has already created a base for a VR Swipe Keyboard, which could potentially be used as a starting point for this feature. The repository includes a Word-Gesture Keyboard that can be used in VR, with functions for writing into text fields and deleting from them.

I believe that a VR Swipe Keyboard would be a valuable addition to XSOverlay, as it would greatly improve the speed and ease of typing in VR. Thank you for considering this feature request.

Best regards, JoRoFox

Note: The GitHub repository mentioned can be found at https://github.com/Philipp1202/WGKeyboard Demo video of a VR Swipe Keyboard: https://youtu.be/qxsF2XDHLag WGKeyboard demo video: https://youtu.be/kk8GnGml_q4
