Xigtun / xps-9570-mojave

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HOWTO: get some keyboard shortcuts working #29

Open jvdtoorn opened 5 years ago

jvdtoorn commented 5 years ago

Download here: Info.plist


I've created a custom Info.plist for VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext to make the XPS 9570 keyboard feel a lot more native.

What it does

  1. disabling:
    • disable unnecessary keys (like numpad and touchpad disable keys), can be enabled again if you want
  2. mapping:
    • map the Windows key to the Command key
    • map the Alt keys to the Option keys
    • map the 'List' key (fn+Ctrl) to the 'F16' key
    • map the 'Search Glass' key (fn+F9) to the 'F17' key
    • map the 'PrtScr' key to the 'F18' key
    • map the 'Insert' key to the 'F19' key

By mapping these 4 special keys to physically non-existing keys, you can set a custom action for them in Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts. For example, I've made my 'PrtScr' key work again by setting 'F18' as the shortcut for 'Copy picture of selected area to clipboard' after installing this custom Info.plist.

To install the Info.plist yourself, download it and replace the default one (VoodooPS2Controller.kext > Contents > PlugIns > VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext > Contents > Info.plist). Don't forget to reinstall the kext and reboot!


attilagyorffy commented 5 years ago

For the record, I was looking for something exactly like this. Thank you, @julespalles, going to try this tonight.

attilagyorffy commented 5 years ago

@julespalles Turns out I'm not using VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext but a bunch of others. See my response to you in another thread. Which one of those kexts do you reckon could I replace with VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext in order to make your patch available? What I'm a bit puzzled on is that I thought the XPS 9570's keyboard (and the touch pad) were I2C driven...