XilinJia / Podcini

Open source podcast instrument for Android in Kotlin with media3, supporting YouTube channels.
GNU General Public License v3.0
149 stars 6 forks source link

playback errors #83

Open atamulis opened 2 weeks ago

atamulis commented 2 weeks ago


App version


Where did you get the app from


Android version


Device model

Nokia X100

First occurred

3 days ago

Steps to reproduce

1 playing podcast through aux cable 2 pull aux cable - playback stops 3 hot play - playing through phone speaker 4 reinsert aux cable - continues to play through phone speaker 5 try to stop and restart... can't stop. Kill app, swipe away notification - app keeps playing! 6 restart phone

Expected behaviour

I expected app to play through aux cable once reinserted. I also expected playback to stop once all visible evidence of app was swiped away.

Current behaviour

App kept playing.


No response

XilinJia commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting.

What exactly did you mean by aux cable? Ear phone?

Version 5 is no longer maintained. Can you migrate to version 6? Latest is 6.3.7. To migrate, it's better to first update to 5.5.4. See the migration document on Github.

atamulis commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, ear phone cable, though in this case the cable was connected to my car stereo.

I do not know why I didn't have the latest version. I will try again with that.

XilinJia commented 2 weeks ago

If you get 5.5.2 from places like F-Droid, version 6 will not show as an update to you as it's listed a different app, because it's not compatible, hence you need some migration. Read the document.

BTW, your 5.5.2 works with Android Auto? There is an issue about Podcini only showing black screen on Android Auto. I'm not sure since when that happens.

XilinJia commented 2 weeks ago

6.4.0 has more work on Android Auto. Let me know if that help your case.

XilinJia commented 5 days ago

If you haven't got Podcini to show up on you HUD, I just created an instruction in AndroidAuto.md. Check it out.