Xilinx / KRS

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Issue when building kernels that use hls cordic functions #104

Closed samlei-research closed 3 months ago

samlei-research commented 5 months ago

I want to use the hls::atan() function for a self-defined ap_fixed datatype (ap_fixed<42,24>).

When using vitis hls directly I can run the synthesis, but if I use the ROS2 integration I get the following error when using colcon build XXX.

/usr/lib/gcc-cross/aarch64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/XXX.dir/src/XXX.cpp.o: in function `void cordic_apfixed::cordic_circ_apfixed<49, 3, 1>(ap_fixed<49, 3, (ap_q_mode)5, (ap_o_mode)3, 0>&, ap_fixed<49, 3, (ap_q_mode)5, (ap_o_mode)3, 0>&, ap_fixed<49, 3, (ap_q_mode)5, (ap_o_mode)3, 0>&)':
XXX.cpp:(.text._ZN14cordic_apfixed19cordic_circ_apfixedILi49ELi3ELi1EEEvR8ap_fixedIXT_EXT0_EL9ap_q_mode5EL9ap_o_mode3ELi0EES5_S5_[_ZN14cordic_apfixed19cordic_circ_apfixedILi49ELi3ELi1EEEvR8ap_fixedIXT_EXT0_EL9ap_q_mode5EL9ap_o_mode3ELi0EES5_S5_]+0xfc): undefined reference to `cordic_apfixed::circ_table_arctan_128'
/usr/lib/gcc-cross/aarch64-linux-gnu/11/../../../../aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/ld: XXX.cpp:(.text._ZN14cordic_apfixed19cordic_circ_apfixedILi49ELi3ELi1EEEvR8ap_fixedIXT_EXT0_EL9ap_q_mode5EL9ap_o_mode3ELi0EES5_S5_[_ZN14cordic_apfixed19cordic_circ_apfixedILi49ELi3ELi1EEEvR8ap_fixedIXT_EXT0_EL9ap_q_mode5EL9ap_o_mode3ELi0EES5_S5_]+0x100): undefined reference to `cordic_apfixed::circ_table_arctan_128'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

It seems there is an issue with the correct linking, but I did not figure out how to do it correctly. Has somebody a solution to it?

SuperChamp234 commented 4 months ago

Bumping this, did you find a solution?

samlei-research commented 4 months ago


I got it compiled with a workaround. I am using Vitis 2022.1, in the installation folder in /tools/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2022.1/src there is the hls_math.zip. I took the definition of circ_table_arctan_128[128] from hls_cordic_apfixed.cpp in the extracted hls_math, and put it into /tools/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2022.1/include/hls_cordic_apfixed.h instead of extern const ap_ufixed<128,2> circ_table_arctan_128[128];.

This solution might not be the intended way of using it, but it works for now.

jasvinderkhurana commented 3 months ago

I hope the solution shared by @samlei-research is working now..