Xilinx / RapidWright

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EDIF Parser fails on submodules with certain characters in their names #56

Closed jakobwenzel closed 4 years ago

jakobwenzel commented 4 years ago

When reading a DCP that contains a submodule with certain characters (including \ and $) in its name, the EDIF Parser fails:

    at com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFParser.expect(EDIFParser.java:733)
    at com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFParser.parseEDIFCell(EDIFParser.java:545)
    at com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFParser.parseEDIFLibrary(EDIFParser.java:471)
    at com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFParser.parseEDIFNetlist(EDIFParser.java:389)
    at b.a(Unknown Source)
    at com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design.readCheckpoint(Unknown Source)
Parsing Error: Expected token: (, encountered: rename on line: 79.

The DCP was created from this Verilog code:

`default_nettype none
module top (input wire i , output wire o, input wire clk);
    \evil\$characters inst (i,o,clk);

module \evil\$characters (input wire i, output reg o, input wire clk);
    always @(posedge clk) o <= i;

Using this TCL code on Vivado's console:

read_verilog "design.v"
synth_design -flatten_hierarchy none -top top -part XC7A200T-SBG484-1
write_checkpoint -force design.dcp
clavin-xlnx commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reporting this! It appears to be a problem with the EDIF field in cell called view. This test case shows that the view qualifies for the same treatment as all other EDIF naming constructs and I can hopefully just update the code with the appropriate handler to address the renaming.

Surprising that we haven't come across this case yet, so glad you pointed it out. I'm working on a fix, hope to have it tested/committed soon.

jakobwenzel commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the fix! Works perfectly for my larger designs