Xilinx / RapidWright

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Generate dcp through custom define file #861

Closed the-centry closed 11 months ago

the-centry commented 11 months ago

How to transfer the file to dcp file? the target device is xcvu3p-ffvc1517-1-i; the nets' key are source tile.wire and sink tile.wire; the nets' values are tile.dst_wire.src_wire; the ins in cells is site_pin.site_pin_wire; json file Thanks so much!

clavin-xlnx commented 11 months ago

You'll want to use a few different APIs after parsing the JSON, for example (this code won't compile):

Design design = new Design("designFromJSON", "xcvu3p-ffvc1517-1-i");
Device device = design.getDevice();

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(new FileReader("result.log.json")));
JSONObject cellTiles = obj.getJSONObject("cells");
for (String cellTile : cellTiles.keySet()) {
    JSONObject jsonTile = cellTiles.getJSONObject(cellTile);
    Tile tile = device.getTile(cellTile);
    for (String belName : jsonTile.keySet()) {
        JSONObject attrs = jsonTile.getJSONObject(belName);
        Unisim cellType = Unisim.valueOf((String) attrs.get("primitive"));
        Site site = tile.getSites()[0]; // TODO This is a flaw in the schema, needs more information about which site
        BEL bel = null;

        // TODO - schema is mixing up sites and BELs
        if (belName.startsWith("IOB")) {
            site = device.getSite(belName);
        } else {
            bel = site.getBEL(belName);    

        Cell c = null;
        if (bel == null) {
             // Its an IOB
            // TODO missing package pin name
            PinType pinType = cellType == Unisim.IBUF ? PinType.IN : PinType.OUT;
            c = design.createAndPlaceIOB("", pinType, pkgPin, "LVCMOS33");
        } else {
            c = design.createAndPlaceCell(design.getTopEDIFCell(), "cell_" + site + "_" + bel, cellType, site, bel);                    

But it looks like there is some missing information in the JSON schema or it is inconsistent. Is this JSON from a tool you are using or something you created? I think it would have to be supplemented with more information to fully re-create a design, for example:

the-centry commented 11 months ago

Year, the data is created according to my cognition of rapidwright! So the data may loss some information. If it is possible, you could change the json, such as ALUT->A6LUT, I0...I5-> A1...A6

the-centry commented 11 months ago

You'll want to use a few different APIs after parsing the JSON, for example (this code won't compile):

Design design = new Design("designFromJSON", "xcvu3p-ffvc1517-1-i");
Device device = design.getDevice();

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(new JSONTokener(new FileReader("result.log.json")));
JSONObject cellTiles = obj.getJSONObject("cells");
for (String cellTile : cellTiles.keySet()) {
    JSONObject jsonTile = cellTiles.getJSONObject(cellTile);
    Tile tile = device.getTile(cellTile);
    for (String belName : jsonTile.keySet()) {
        JSONObject attrs = jsonTile.getJSONObject(belName);
        Unisim cellType = Unisim.valueOf((String) attrs.get("primitive"));
        Site site = tile.getSites()[0]; // TODO This is a flaw in the schema, needs more information about which site
        BEL bel = null;

        // TODO - schema is mixing up sites and BELs
        if (belName.startsWith("IOB")) {
            site = device.getSite(belName);
        } else {
            bel = site.getBEL(belName);    

        Cell c = null;
        if (bel == null) {
             // Its an IOB
            // TODO missing package pin name
            PinType pinType = cellType == Unisim.IBUF ? PinType.IN : PinType.OUT;
            c = design.createAndPlaceIOB("", pinType, pkgPin, "LVCMOS33");
        } else {
            c = design.createAndPlaceCell(design.getTopEDIFCell(), "cell_" + site + "_" + bel, cellType, site, bel);                    

But it looks like there is some missing information in the JSON schema or it is inconsistent. Is this JSON from a tool you are using or something you created? I think it would have to be supplemented with more information to fully re-create a design, for example:

  • Site names
  • Consistency of Site vs BEL (ALUT is not a BEL, it should be A6LUT or A5LUT)
  • IOStandard used for IOBs
  • Package pin name
  • Logical to Physical Pin maps
  • ... (there might be a few more)

I have changed the json data and create cell successful. How to create the net with part pip defined by custom? And I find some bugs: 1.pkgpin to site, why not site to pkgpin; 2.net could't add sink sitepin;

  1. route net could't add pips as constrain; Thanks so much!
the-centry commented 11 months ago
       public void DcpGenerate()
        Design design = new Design("designFromJSON", "xcvu3p-ffvc1517-1-i");
        Device device = design.getDevice();
        for(BFDSCell item:m_BFDS.m_vCells)
            String CellTile = item.m_sTileName;
            String CellSite = item.m_sSiteName;
            String CellName = item.m_sCellName;
            String CellPrimitive = item.m_sPrimitive;
            Unisim cellType = Unisim.valueOf(CellPrimitive);
            Tile tile = device.getTile(CellTile);
            Site site = tile.getSites()[0];
            BEL bel = null;
            if(CellSite!=null && CellSite.startsWith("IOB"))
                site = device.getSite(CellSite);
            else {
                bel = site.getBEL(item.m_sBelName);
            Cell c = null;
            if(bel == null)
                PinType pinType = cellType == Unisim.IBUF ? PinType.IN : PinType.OUT;
                String pkgpin = item.m_sPkgpin;
                 c = design.createAndPlaceIOB(CellName, pinType, pkgpin, "LVCMOS18");
            }else {
                c = design.createAndPlaceCell(design.getTopEDIFCell(), CellName, cellType, site, bel);                    
        for(BFDSNet item:m_BFDS.m_vNets)
            String netname  =item.m_sNetName;
            String srctile = item.m_sSourceTile;
            String sourcewire = item.m_sSourceWire;
            String dsttile = item.m_sSinkTile;
            String sinkwire = item.m_sSinkWire;
            Wire srcWire = new Wire(device, srctile, sourcewire);
            //RouteNode src = new RouteNode(device.getTile(srctile), srcWire.getWireIndex());
            Wire dstWire = new Wire(device, dsttile, sinkwire);
            //RouteNode sink = new RouteNode(device.getTile(dsttile), dstWire.getWireIndex());
            Net net = design.createNet(netname);
            SitePin srcPin = srcWire.getSitePin();
            SiteInst srcSiteInst = design.getSiteInstFromSite(srcPin.getSite());
            SitePin dstPin = dstWire.getSitePin();
            SiteInst dstSiteInst = design.getSiteInstFromSite(dstPin.getSite());
            for(String pipname:item.m_vPips)
                String[] pipInfo = pipname.split("\\.");
                String pipTileName = pipInfo[0];
                String pipDst = pipInfo[1];
                String pipSrc = pipInfo[2];
                Tile pipTile = device.getTile(pipTileName);
                net.addPIP(pipTile.getPIP(pipTile.getWireIndex(pipSrc), pipTile.getWireIndex(pipDst)));
        String dcppath = "D:\\softcache\\result.log.dcp";
clavin-xlnx commented 11 months ago

@the-centry Good progress!


1.pkgpin to site, why not site to pkgpin

That is a good point, we don't have an easy way to go from site to package pin name, here is some code that can build a map for you to do a lookup by site to get the package pin name:

Map<Site, String> siteToPackagePinName = new HashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, PackagePin> p : device.getActivePackage().getPackagePinMap().entrySet()) {
    Site site = p.getValue().getSite();
    if (site != null) {
        siteToPackagePinName.put(site, p.getKey());
// ... lookup package pin name by site
// siteToPackagePinName.get(site)

2.net could't add sink sitepin;

You actually will need to create objects called SitePinInst, here is an example:

SitePin srcPin = srcWire.getSitePin();
SiteInst srcSiteInst = design.getSiteInstFromSite(srcPin.getSite());
net.createPin(srcPin.getName(), srcSiteInst);

see javadocs for details: https://www.rapidwright.io/javadoc/com/xilinx/rapidwright/design/Net.html#createPin-java.lang.String-com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.SiteInst-

  1. route net could't add pips as constrain;

The APIs you are using are correct, but the input data may not be consistent to create the PIP objects. Each PIP describes the connection between two wires in the same Tile. However, often in Vivado we describe routing with Node objects which are not contained to a tile (see this description of Node in our documentation https://www.rapidwright.io/docs/Xilinx_Architecture.html#node). Perhaps if you could share a specific instance of where it isn't working we can look at it in detail.

the-centry commented 11 months ago

@clavin-xlnx Thanks so much! 1.However, often in Vivado we describe routing with Node objects which are not contained to a tile It means that I transfer pip's wire to node, route could use these node as constrain? Second: The problem I found that the cells are empty in dcp file while use the way that you give! The generated dcp as result.dcp The code is:

package SB2RP;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.ConstraintGroup;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.NetType;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.SiteInst;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Site;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.BEL;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Wire;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.PIP;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFCell;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFCellInst;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFNet;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFPortInst;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.edif.EDIFTools;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.rwroute.RWRoute;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.SitePinInst;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.PinType;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Unisim;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.SitePin;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.TileTypeEnum;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Tile;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.router.Router;
import com.xilinx.rapidwright.router.RouteNode;

public class BFDSDCP {
    public BFDSParser m_BFDS;
    public void InitBFDS(String json)
        m_BFDS = new BFDSParser();
    public void DcpGenerate()
        Design design = new Design("designFromJSON", "xcvu3p-ffvc1517-1-i");
        Device device = design.getDevice();
        for(BFDSCell item:m_BFDS.m_vCells)
            String CellTile = item.m_sTileName;
            String CellSite = item.m_sSiteName;
            String CellName = item.m_sCellName;
            String CellPrimitive = item.m_sPrimitive;
            Unisim cellType = Unisim.valueOf(CellPrimitive);
            Tile tile = device.getTile(CellTile);
            Site site = tile.getSites()[0];
            BEL bel = null;
            if(CellSite!=null && CellSite.startsWith("IOB"))
                site = device.getSite(CellSite);
            else {
                bel = site.getBEL(item.m_sBelName);
            Cell c = null;
            if(bel == null)
                PinType pinType = cellType == Unisim.IBUF ? PinType.IN : PinType.OUT;
                String pkgpin = item.m_sPkgpin;
                 c = design.createAndPlaceIOB(CellName, pinType, pkgpin, "LVCMOS18");
            }else {
                c = design.createAndPlaceCell(design.getTopEDIFCell(), CellName, cellType, site, bel);                    
        for(BFDSNet item:m_BFDS.m_vNets)
            String netname  =item.m_sNetName;
            String srctile = item.m_sSourceTile;
            String sourcewire = item.m_sSourceWire;
            String dsttile = item.m_sSinkTile;
            String sinkwire = item.m_sSinkWire;
            Wire srcWire = new Wire(device, srctile, sourcewire);
            //RouteNode src = new RouteNode(device.getTile(srctile), srcWire.getWireIndex());
            Wire dstWire = new Wire(device, dsttile, sinkwire);
            //RouteNode sink = new RouteNode(device.getTile(dsttile), dstWire.getWireIndex());
            Net net = design.createNet(netname);
            SitePin srcPin = srcWire.getSitePin();
            SiteInst srcSiteInst = design.getSiteInstFromSite(srcPin.getSite());
            SitePinInst srcSitePinInst =  new SitePinInst(srcPin.getPinName(),srcSiteInst);//srcSiteInst.getSitePinInst(srcPin.getPinName());
            SitePin dstPin = dstWire.getSitePin();
            SiteInst dstSiteInst = design.getSiteInstFromSite(dstPin.getSite());
            SitePinInst dstSitePinInst = new SitePinInst(dstPin.getPinName(),dstSiteInst);
            for(String pipname:item.m_vPips)
                String[] pipInfo = pipname.split("\\.");
                String pipTileName = pipInfo[0];
                String pipDst = pipInfo[1];
                String pipSrc = pipInfo[2];
                Tile pipTile = device.getTile(pipTileName);
                net.addPIP(pipTile.getPIP(pipTile.getWireIndex(pipSrc), pipTile.getWireIndex(pipDst)));
        String dcppath = "D:\\softcache\\result0.log.dcp";
//      design.updateDesignWithCheckpointPlaceAndRoute(dcppath);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        String file="D:\\softcache\\result.log.json";
        BFDSDCP test = new BFDSDCP();

clavin-xlnx commented 11 months ago

@the-centry - if you would like me to try and diagnose the issue by running your code, I am missing some of the dependencies (BFDSParser, BFDSCell, BFDSNet, for example). Also, if you could provide the revised version of your json file, that would also be needed.

the-centry commented 11 months ago

@clavin-xlnx Ok, Thanks! The code and the file is here test data and code. My first tring of java!