Xilinx / SDAccel_Examples

SDAccel Examples
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Suggestion to improve EoU of the current makefiles in order to provide the customers more flexibility and guidences #14

Closed sergeisxilinx closed 7 years ago

sergeisxilinx commented 8 years ago

The goal of the current makefile changes is to improve EoF of the GitHub designs. Using the median_filter example I modified several makefiles to demonstrate these changes.

By modifying the example I was trying to achieve several goals:

================================================================================================== Tip: to run the application in a 'sw_emu' mode you may use one of the following methods

1) execute the makefile using 'run' as a target make -f ../Makefile run

  Note: if you wish to generate a TRACE view, then in addition, you need set TRACE=yes
      make -f ../Makefile TRACE=yes <variables> run

2) run the following 2 commands export XCL_EMULATION_MODE=true ./median_X86.exe ../data/ xclbin/krnl_median.sw_emu.xilinx_adm-pcie-ku3_2ddr_3_1.xclbin

  Note: if you wish to generate a TRACE view, then in addition, you need set the following
        variables before running the application
      export SDACCEL_DEVICE_PROFILE=true


Please see the Median_Filter.docx file for more info about the changes. Median_Filter.docx NEW_Median_Filter.tar.gz

Spenser309 commented 7 years ago

For emulation, it's just as easy to set these in the environment as defining them on the command line. Documentation updates to identify this would be useful. With regards to runs on hardware, the nimbix-run.py script can be updated to look for the environment variables and set the run accordingly. This would make the interface more uniform. I'll leave this open and work on that implementation.

With regards to the "run" target, this has been implemented as "check" as this is the more common name of this target in the software community.

Spenser309 commented 7 years ago

reopened for nimbix-run.py improvements.

Spenser309 commented 7 years ago

Closed. sdaccel.ini file can be used for enabling debugging and profiling even on Nimbix.