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Error showing in concat function. Cannot get 2 branches of result #87

Open ShahrinShahpar opened 1 year ago

ShahrinShahpar commented 1 year ago

I have 2 branches of output and a snip of the program is given below:

def forward(self, samples: NestedTensor):
    # get the backbone features
    features = self.backbone(samples)
    # forward the feature pyramid
    features_fpn = self.fpn([features[1], features[2], features[3]])

    batch_size = features[0].shape[0]
    # run the regression and classification branch
    regression = self.regression(features_fpn[1]) * 100  # 8x
    classification = self.classification(features_fpn[1])
    anchor_points = self.anchor_points(samples)
    # decode the points as prediction
    output_coord = regression + anchor_points
    output_class = classification
    out = torch.cat((output_class, output_coord))

    return out

When I try to compile this it shows me this error:

[UNILOG][FATAL][XCOM_SIZE_UNMATCH][The object's size is not not matching the requirement.] xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3645, type = concat}'s axis is error. It's 0

I updated the code to this:

def forward(self, samples: NestedTensor):

get the backbone features

    features = self.backbone(samples)
    # forward the feature pyramid
    features_fpn = self.fpn([features[1], features[2], features[3]])
    batch_size = features[0].shape[0]
    # run the regression and classification branch
    regression = self.regression(features_fpn[1]) * 100  # 8x
    classification = self.classification(features_fpn[1])
    anchor_points = self.anchor_points(samples)
    # decode the points as prediction
    output_coord = regression + anchor_points
    output_class = classification
    outt = torch.cat((output_class, output_coord), 1)
    return outt

When I try to compile this it shows me this warning:

[UNILOG][WARNING] xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3872, type = eltwise-fix} has been assigned to CPU: [DPU only supports positive "input_channel"(0)].

[UNILOG][WARNING] xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3875, type = concat-fix} has been assigned to CPU: [Input xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3872, type = eltwise-fix} is not in DPU subgraph. And output dimension is not 4.].

[UNILOG][WARNING] xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3870_new, type = const-fix} has been assigned to CPU: [Has no fanout or at least one fanout is out of DPU subgraph.].

[UNILOG][WARNING] xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3875, type = concat-fix} has been assigned to CPU: [Input xir::Op{name = P2PNet__P2PNet_3872, type = eltwise-fix} is not in DPU subgraph. And output dimension is not 4.].

The xmodel is created but i am not getting the result:

My cpu result for the code is:

output dimension: (1, 102400, 2)

tensor([[[ 4.3518, -6.3351], [ 5.4877, -5.5600], [ 4.8831, -5.5953], ..., [1278.6753, 631.6872], [1271.6644, 639.0435], [1277.7587, 632.8604]]], grad_fn=)

but in DPU I am getting:

output_ndim: (1, 51200, 2) [array([[ 1.5 , -1.5 ], [-8.5 , -3. ], [-0.75, -1.25], ..., [ 1.25, -2.25], [-2.25, 0.75], [-0.5 , -5. ]], dtype=float32)]

Can you tell me how to fix this?

To get some understanding of what I am doing please visit. The work is similar but not the same:
