Open crizy opened 1 year ago
I checked the code related to the XCL_ICAP sub request, and it seems to be a loopback between icap and mgmt?icap sends XCL_ICAP sub request, and the mgmt calls the icap to send XCL_ICAP sub request after receiving XCL_ICAP sub request?
I have looked at the source code of the xrt driver, and its power-up sequence is roughly as follows: (1)mgmtpf/userpf initialization, create/probe sub device separately when userpf‘s all sub device are successfully probe and initialize,userpf launch the mailbox server when mgmtpf's all sub device are successfully probe and initialize(Including downloading boot firmware and Load microblaze),launch the mailbox server,send mgmtpf online notification mailbox request 12 to usertpf (2) after usertpf received mgmt driver online,userpf send mailbox request 12 with XCL_SUBDEV(6) sub request (3) after mgmg received XCL_SUBDEV(6) sub request,mgmtpf reply response (4) after usertpf received response, userpf call xocl_mb_connect(xdev),userpf get xocl_mb_connect status
But how did the other processes start afterwards ? for example, XCL_SENSOR/XCL_ICAP sub request