Xilinx / finn-examples

Dataflow QNN inference accelerator examples on FPGAs
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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finn build problem : Running step: step_synthesize_bitfile #27

Closed lloo099 closed 2 years ago

lloo099 commented 2 years ago

Hi @maltanar and all, I encounter some errors about synth_1 problems. And u may see below information and report_ip_status, it seems some ip cannot be found. But I follow your steps to generate finn ips. How to deal with it? thanks,

Platform: U200 model: Mobilenetv1 Ubuntu:18.04 Vitis:2020.1

Running step: step_synthesize_bitfile [11/13]
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Run 'synth_1' has not been launched. Unable to open
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: The provided IP directory doesn't exist: '/tmp/finn_dev_enai/vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf/ip'
 (most recent call last):
  File "/workspace/finn/src/finn/builder/build_dataflow.py", line 166, in build_dataflow_cfg
    model = transform_step(model, cfg)
  File "/workspace/finn/src/finn/builder/build_dataflow_steps.py", line 643, in step_synthesize_bitfile
    model = model.transform(
  File "/workspace/finn-base/src/finn/core/modelwrapper.py", line 141, in transform
    (transformed_model, model_was_changed) = transformation.apply(
  File "/workspace/finn/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/vitis_build.py", line 431, in apply
l = kernel_model.transform(
  File "/workspace/finn-base/src/finn/core/modelwrapper.py", line 141, in transform
    (transformed_model, model_was_changed) = transformation.apply(
  File "/workspace/finn/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/vitis_build.py", line 163, in apply
    assert os.path.isfile(xo_path), (
AssertionError: Vitis .xo file not created, check logs under /tmp/finn_dev_enai/vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf
> /workspace/finn/src/finn/transformation/fpgadataflow/vitis_build.py(163)apply()
-> assert os.path.isfile(xo_path), (
Copyright 1986-2020 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
| Tool Version : Vivado v.2020.1 (lin64) Build 2902540 Wed May 27 19:54:35 MDT 2020
| Date         : Thu Nov 25 18:49:05 2021
| Host         : enai-System-Product-Name running 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
| Command      : report_ip_status

IP Status Summary

1. Project IP Status
Your project uses 46 IP. Some of these IP may have undergone changes in this release of the software. Please review the recommended actions.

More information on the Xilinx versioning policy is available at www.xilinx.com.

Project IP Instances
| Instance Name                                                      | Status                  | Recommendation               | Change    | IP Name            | IP      | New Version           | New        | Original Part        |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log       |                    | Version |                       | License    |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_ChannelwiseOp_Batch_0_0               | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Channelwiseop_batc | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250721) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_ConvolutionInputGenerator_0_0         | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Convolutioninputge | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250733) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_ConvolutionInputGenerator_1_0         | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Convolutioninputge | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250729) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_ConvolutionInputGenerator_2_0         | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Convolutioninputge | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250724) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_ConvolutionInputGenerator_3_0         | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Convolutioninputge | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250721) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_ConvolutionInputGenerator_4_0         | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Convolutioninputge | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250721) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_FMPadding_Batch_0_0                   | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Fmpadding_batch_9  | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250733) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_FMPadding_Batch_1_0                   | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Fmpadding_batch_10 | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250729) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_FMPadding_Batch_2_0                   | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Fmpadding_batch_11 | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250725) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_FMPadding_Batch_3_0                   | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Fmpadding_batch_12 | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250722) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_LabelSelect_Batch_0_0                 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Labelselect_batch_ | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250721) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_Pool_Batch_0_0                        | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Pool_batch_0       | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250721) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_0_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250817) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_1_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250817) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_2_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250817) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_3_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250817) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_4_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250816) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_5_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250816) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingDataWidthConverter_Batch_6_0 | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingdatawidth | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250816) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_0_0            | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingfclayer_b | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250733) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_0_wstrm_0      | IP definition not found | Add IP definition to catalog | Change    | memstream          | 1.0     | N/A                   | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 5)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_1_0            | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingfclayer_b | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250729) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_1_wstrm_0      | IP definition not found | Add IP definition to catalog | Change    | memstream          | 1.0     | N/A                   | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 5)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_2_0            | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingfclayer_b | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250724) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_2_wstrm_0      | IP definition not found | Add IP definition to catalog | Change    | memstream          | 1.0     | N/A                   | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 5)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_3_0            | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingfclayer_b | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250725) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_3_wstrm_0      | IP definition not found | Add IP definition to catalog | Change    | memstream          | 1.0     | N/A                   | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 5)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_4_0            | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Streamingfclayer_b | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250721) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFCLayer_Batch_4_wstrm_0      | IP definition not found | Add IP definition to catalog | Change    | memstream          | 1.0     | N/A                   | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 5)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFIFO_0_0                     | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | StreamingFIFO_51   | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFIFO_12_0                    | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | StreamingFIFO_79   | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFIFO_3_0                     | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | StreamingFIFO_56   | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFIFO_6_0                     | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | StreamingFIFO_61   | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFIFO_8_0                     | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | StreamingFIFO_65   | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_StreamingFIFO_9_0                     | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | StreamingFIFO_67   | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_Vector_Vector_Activate_Batch_0_0      | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Vector_vector_acti | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250737) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_Vector_Vector_Activate_Batch_1_0      | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Vector_vector_acti | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250732) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_Vector_Vector_Activate_Batch_2_0      | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Vector_vector_acti | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250729) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_Vector_Vector_Activate_Batch_3_0      | Up-to-date              | No changes required          | Change    | Vector_vector_acti | 1.0     | 1.0 (Rev. 2111250816) | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | Log not   |                    | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              | available |                    | 2111250 |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_0                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(1)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_1                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(2)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_2                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(3)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_3                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(4)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_4                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(5)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_5                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(6)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
| StreamingDataflowPartition_5_fifo_6                                | Up-to-date              | No changes required          |  *(7)     | AXI4-Stream Data   | 2.0     | 2.0 (Rev. 3)          | Included   | xcu200-fsgd2104-2-e  |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           | FIFO               | (Rev.   |                       |            |                      |
|                                                                    |                         |                              |           |                    | 3)      |                       |            |                      |
*(1) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
*(2) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
*(3) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
*(4) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
*(5) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
*(6) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
*(7) /tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/data/ip/xilinx/axis_data_fifo_v2_0/doc/axis_data_fifo_v2_0_changelog.txt
lloo099 commented 2 years ago


lloo099 commented 2 years ago

hi @maltanar , could u help me with this? thanks

maltanar commented 2 years ago

Hi @lloo099 , can you describe the steps you are following to get this error?

If you are running report_ip_status outside Docker, the errors about not finding the weight streamer IP can be a false alarm because the path for that IP is normally specified to be inside the Docker container (/workspace/finn/finn-rtllib/memstream). When opening the same project outside of Docker for synthesis or debugging, you'll need to add the host-side path (something like /path/to/finn/finn-rtllib/memstream) to the list of IP repos.

lloo099 commented 2 years ago

Hi @lloo099 , can you describe the steps you are following to get this error?

If you are running report_ip_status outside Docker, the errors about not finding the weight streamer IP can be a false alarm because the path for that IP is normally specified to be inside the Docker container (/workspace/finn/finn-rtllib/memstream). When opening the same project outside of Docker for synthesis or debugging, you'll need to add the host-side path (something like /path/to/finn/finn-rtllib/memstream) to the list of IP repos.

Hi, I following this

export VIVADO_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1
export FE_PATH=/home/enai/Desktop/project/finn-examples-main/finn_examples
export PYNQ_IP=
export VITIS_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vitis
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms
export FINN_XILINX_PATH=/tools/Xilinx
./run-docker.sh build_custom /home/enai/Desktop/project/finn/build/mobilenetv1
lloo099 commented 2 years ago

Hi @lloo099 , can you describe the steps you are following to get this error? If you are running report_ip_status outside Docker, the errors about not finding the weight streamer IP can be a false alarm because the path for that IP is normally specified to be inside the Docker container (/workspace/finn/finn-rtllib/memstream). When opening the same project outside of Docker for synthesis or debugging, you'll need to add the host-side path (something like /path/to/finn/finn-rtllib/memstream) to the list of IP repos.

Hi, I following this

export VIVADO_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1
export FE_PATH=/home/enai/Desktop/project/finn-examples-main/finn_examples
export PYNQ_IP=
export VITIS_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vitis
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms
export FINN_XILINX_PATH=/tools/Xilinx
./run-docker.sh build_custom /home/enai/Desktop/project/finn/build/mobilenetv1

btw, I cannot find this fold "vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf". Do u know how to generate it?

lloo099 commented 2 years ago

Does it failed due to insufficient memory? u may check runme.log file.

[10:08:13] Starting bitstream generation..
[10:13:22] Run vpl: Step impl: Failed
[10:13:24] Run vpl: FINISHED. Run Status: impl ERROR
ERROR: [VPL 60-773] In '/tmp/finn_dev_enai/vitis_link_proj_3oie5ezy/_x/link/vivado/vpl/vivado.log', caught Tcl error:  problem implementing dynamic region, impl_1: route_design ERROR, please look at the run log file '/tmp/finn_dev_enai/vitis_link_proj_3oie5ezy/_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.runs/impl_1/runme.log' for more information
WARNING: [VPL 60-732] Link warning: No monitor points found for BD automation.
ERROR: [VPL 60-704] Integration error, problem implementing dynamic region, impl_1: route_design ERROR, please look at the run log file '/tmp/finn_dev_enai/vitis_link_proj_3oie5ezy/_x/link/vivado/vpl/prj/prj.runs/impl_1/runme.log' for more information
ERROR: [VPL 60-1328] Vpl run 'vpl' failed
ERROR: [VPL 60-806] Failed to finish platform linker
INFO: [v++ 60-1442] [10:13:24] Run run_link: Step vpl: Failed
Time (s): cpu = 00:02:47 ; elapsed = 04:32:39 . Memory (MB): peak = 1336.637 ; gain = 0.000 ; free physical = 23993 ; free virtual = 24457
ERROR: [v++ 60-661] v++ link run 'run_link' failed
ERROR: [v++ 60-626] Kernel link failed to complete
ERROR: [v++ 60-703] Failed to finish linking
INFO: [v++ 60-1653] Closing dispatch client.


maltanar commented 2 years ago

Looking at the runme.log you shared, it ends with:

/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/bin/loader: line 286: 6912 Killed "$RDI_PROG" "$@"

which is probably because it's running out of memory. Vitis/Alveo builds need a lot of memory (at least 64GB, or more if you are running other things at the same time / using the NUM_DEFAULT_WORKERS env.var. for build parallelism) https://finn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#system-requirements

Hi, I following this

export VIVADO_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1
export FE_PATH=/home/enai/Desktop/project/finn-examples-main/finn_examples
export PYNQ_IP=
export VITIS_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vitis
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms
export FINN_XILINX_PATH=/tools/Xilinx
./run-docker.sh build_custom /home/enai/Desktop/project/finn/build/mobilenetv1

btw, I cannot find this fold "vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf". Do u know how to generate it?

vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf should be under /tmp/finn_dev_enai -- you can also specify the FINN_HOST_BUILD_DIR environment variable to place those generated files somewhere else before running the script.

lloo099 commented 2 years ago

Looking at the runme.log you shared, it ends with:

/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/bin/loader: line 286: 6912 Killed "$RDI_PROG" "$@"

which is probably because it's running out of memory. Vitis/Alveo builds need a lot of memory (at least 64GB, or more if you are running other things at the same time / using the NUM_DEFAULT_WORKERS env.var. for build parallelism) https://finn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started.html#system-requirements

Hi, I following this

export VIVADO_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1
export FE_PATH=/home/enai/Desktop/project/finn-examples-main/finn_examples
export PYNQ_IP=
export VITIS_PATH=/tools/Xilinx/Vitis
source /opt/xilinx/xrt/setup.sh
export PLATFORM_REPO_PATHS=/opt/xilinx/platforms
export FINN_XILINX_PATH=/tools/Xilinx
./run-docker.sh build_custom /home/enai/Desktop/project/finn/build/mobilenetv1

btw, I cannot find this fold "vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf". Do u know how to generate it?

vivado_stitch_proj_82a0t6qf should be under /tmp/finn_dev_enai -- you can also specify the FINN_HOST_BUILD_DIR environment variable to place those generated files somewhere else before running the script.

Hi, thanks. It seems ur right. My RAM is only 32GB. So does it have a new way to build it on 32GB? Or I must to upgrade my RAM to least 64GB.