Xilinx / open-nic-shell

AMD OpenNIC Shell includes the HDL source files
Apache License 2.0
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Synthesis error board u45n #61

Open adityab99 opened 4 days ago

adityab99 commented 4 days ago

I encountered a synthesis error while building the OpenNIC shell for the Alveo U45N board. The error message is as follows: ERROR: [Vivado 12-13638] Failed runs(s) : 'synth_1' 'synth_1' run failed with below errors. ERROR: [Synth 8-524] part-select [23:0] out of range of prefix 'qdma_pcie_rxp' [F:/open-nic-shell-main/src/open_nic_shell.sv:489] ERROR: [Synth 8-6156] failed synthesizing module 'open_nic_shell' [F:/open-nic-shell-main/src/open_nic_shell.sv:20] I used the vivado 2024.1 version and this command: F:\xilinx\Vivado\2024.1\bin\vivado.bat -mode batch -source build.tcl -tclargs -board au45n -impl 1 -user_plugin ../plugin/p2p

cneely-amd commented 3 days ago

Hi @adityab99 Is it the same error message as this: https://github.com/Xilinx/open-nic-shell/issues/57

cneely-amd commented 3 days ago

(If it matches Issue #57 above, please read all of the messages in that thread because I had forgotten to include one of the parameters in my initial reply to that post, which is further discussed in the later messages in that thread.)

adityab99 commented 3 days ago

Yep it matches issue #57. Thanks