Xilinx / smartcam

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Custom detector with CPU layers #5

Closed BloomBabe closed 1 year ago

BloomBabe commented 1 year ago

Am I right, that Smartcam doesnt work with custom detectors, if it have CPU layers aftter compilation, not only DPU supported layers?

xlnx-yuxiz commented 1 year ago

I think that you are talking about customizing with a different AI model which doesn't only have DPU layers but also CPU layers. Since currently smartcam only support limited classes of Vitis AI models: "YOLOV3, FACEDETECT, CLASSIFICATION, SSD,REFINEDET, TFSSD, YOLOV2", so for your AI model which is not inherently supported by Vitis AI library, yes, it needs much more customization work to enable it in this app, which is not the easy customization way what we provided.

BloomBabe commented 1 year ago

I had yolov3 model with mobilenetv2 backbone and tried to integrate it to Smartcam. In Vitis AI 1.4 some layers are not DPU supported and Smartcam didn't work with that model. But with Darknet Yolov3 it works fine, so I think the reason is not supported DPU layers.

xlnx-yuxiz commented 1 year ago

Yes, that's the cause. Can we close this issue now?