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the proble of the medianblur example to cosimulation #84

Open liyaohit1998 opened 4 years ago

liyaohit1998 commented 4 years ago

when i run the example medianblur in vivado hls ,i pass the simulation and sythesis but fail the RTL cosimulation, the error is:

source xsim.dir/median_blur_accel/xsim_script.tcl

xsim {median_blur_accel} -autoloadwcfg -tclbatch {median_blur_accel.tcl}

Vivado Simulator 2018.3 Time resolution is 1 ps source median_blur_accel.tcl

run all

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Inter-Transaction Progress: Completed Transaction / Total Transaction // Intra-Transaction Progress: Measured Latency / Latency Estimation * 100% // // RTL Simulation : "Inter-Transaction Progress" ["Intra-Transaction Progress"] @ "Simulation Time" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RTL Simulation : 0 / 1 [0.00%] @ "125000" // RTL Simulation : 1 / 1 [100.00%] @ "20921115000" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $finish called at time : 20921155 ns : File "C:/Users/liyao/Desktop/xfopencv-2018.3_release/examples/medianblur/medianblur/solution1/sim/verilog/median_blur_accel.autotb.v" Line 430 run: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:00 ; elapsed = 00:16:19 . Memory (MB): peak = 217.785 ; gain = 0.000


INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting xsim at Tue May 5 03:10:06 2020... INFO: [COSIM 212-316] Starting C post checking ... ERROR: System recieved a signal named SIGSEGV and the program has to stop immediately! This signal was generated when a program tries to read or write outside the memory that is allocated for it, or to write memory that can only be read. Possible cause of this problem may be: 1) the depth setting of pointer type argument is much larger than it needed; 2)insufficient depth of array argument; 3)null pointer etc. Current execution stopped during CodeState = . You can search CodeState variable name in apatb*.cpp file under ./sim/wrapc dir to locate the position.

ERROR: [COSIM 212-379] Detected segmentation violation, please check C tb. ERROR: [COSIM 212-362] Aborting co-simulation: C TB post check failed. INFO: [COSIM 212-211] II is measurable only when transaction number is greater than 1 in RTL simulation. Otherwise, they will be marked as all NA. If user wants to calculate them, please make sure there are at least 2 transactions in RTL simulation. command 'ap_source' returned error code while executing "source C:/Users/liyao/Desktop/xfopencv-2018.3_release/examples/medianblur/medianblur/solution1/cosim.tcl" invoked from within "hls::main C:/Users/liyao/Desktop/xfopencv-2018.3_release/examples/medianblur/medianblur/solution1/cosim.tcl" ("uplevel" body line 1) invoked from within "uplevel 1 hls::main {*}$args" (procedure "hls_proc" line 5) invoked from within "hls_proc $argv" Finished C/RTL cosimulation.

my vivado hls is 2018 and the xfopencv is also 2018 version.