XilongPei / Openparts

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HQL的字符串中不能有{ #57

Closed XilongPei closed 6 years ago

XilongPei commented 6 years ago


select count(*) from (select id,version,name,login_name from tbl_user where
          id not in (select userId from tbl_user_role where roleId='S{VTPY8Bc5B0d4o5wFBOAI')
          and 1=1
          order by update_date_time desc) as table_alias
Caused by: org.hibernate.QueryException: Unmatched braces for alias path [select count(*) from (select id,version,name,login_name from tbl_user where
          id not in (select userId from tbl_user_role where roleId='TaAQ1{w2IBTBQlNbgsXO6U')
          and 1=1
          order by update_date_time desc) as table_alias]
    at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLQueryParser.substituteBrackets(SQLQueryParser.java:106)
    at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLQueryParser.process(SQLQueryParser.java:81)
    at org.hibernate.loader.custom.sql.SQLCustomQuery.<init>(SQLCustomQuery.java:134)


XilongPei commented 6 years ago
      select id,version,name,login_name from tbl_user where
      id not in (select userId from tbl_user_role where roleId=@roleId#)
      and 1=1
      order by update_date_time desc
XilongPei commented 6 years ago

https://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1025423&view=previous http://tool.chinaz.com/regex

XilongPei commented 6 years ago

fill the hole of QueryException. limit: concat() more than 2 strings once just suit for MySQL(?) commit: https://github.com/XilongPei/Openparts/commit/03b867331527ee3e093b9cb6189757b57abdceb0