XingangPan / GAN2Shape

Code for GAN2Shape (ICLR2021 oral)
MIT License
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looking forward to your code #1

Closed Bovey0809 closed 3 years ago

Bovey0809 commented 3 years ago

I'm quite interested in your paper, and can't wait for the code come out. Thanks for your wonderful work.

XingangPan commented 3 years ago

@Bovey0809 Thanks for your interest. The code is expected to be released on Jan. 2021.

ucalyptus2 commented 3 years ago

@XingangPan any updates to the code :) ?

XingangPan commented 3 years ago

@forkbabu Thanks for your interest. Due to some conflicts in my personal schedule, the code shall be ready a little bit later than expected. I am now starting to refine the code, and it shall be done in about 2 weeks. Thanks for your patience : )

yanistazi commented 3 years ago

Great paper, looking forward to play with the code ! @XingangPan

WenjiaWang0312 commented 3 years ago

have you finished it? Looking forward to it!

leelang7 commented 3 years ago

i dont know this errer.... FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/content/drive/My Drive/GAN2Shape/gan2shape/stylegan2/stylegan2-pytorch/lpips/weights/v0.1/vgg.pth'

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'checkpoints/view_light/view_light.pth'

XingangPan commented 3 years ago

@leelang7 Thanks for your feedback. This should have been fixed.

XingangPan commented 3 years ago

The code has been released! Feel free to let me know if you encounter any problems with this code :-)