XingangPan / GAN2Shape

Code for GAN2Shape (ICLR2021 oral)
MIT License
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When will the training go into the next epoch? #11

Closed junxuanlee closed 3 years ago

junxuanlee commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am trying to run your code to achieve the results that you had, but I can't find how the training loop goes into the next epoch? Based on the train function in (image1), it seems that the while loop is infinitely running and does not allow training to go into next epoch. Is this a bug or I am missing something that will break the while loop?

I have run the code and below is the log output of training progress (image2): The training does not go into the next epoch, may I know is this normal? Or there is some bug in the training loop?

Thanks in advance

image1 image

image2 image

junxuanlee commented 3 years ago
