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how are reads filtered? #47

Closed YichaoOU closed 4 months ago

YichaoOU commented 4 months ago


My input sam file has 3.7M reads, but the _isoform.tsv or read info in the 0 folder, only have 2.3M reads, I'm wondering why the 1.4M reads are not used (they are all mapped)

samtools view labeled.sam| cut -f 1 | sort | uniq | wc -l

wc -l _isoform.tsv
2370752 _isoform.tsv

cat 0/*txt | cut -f 1| sort | uniq | wc -l

Thanks, Yichao

EricKutschera commented 4 months ago

If you use v1.4.0 it will output a summary file from each step. The S step summary file gives counts for the different filters:

YichaoOU commented 4 months ago

cool, thanks!