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Error: Don't know what format is! #6

Closed YichaoOU closed 1 year ago

YichaoOU commented 1 year ago


Any clue what is wrong? I'm running the test data.

Thanks, Yichao

[yli11@noderome134 test_data]$ perl ../src/ -A test_data_espresso_sirv/SIRV_C.gtf -L samples.tsv -F test_data_espresso_sirv/SIRV2.fasta -O test_result
 Work directory test_result does not exist. Make it by myself
 in samples.tsv does not exist or is not readable!
Don't know what format  is!
Perl exited with active threads:
    5 running and unjoined
    0 finished and unjoined
    0 running and detached
EricKutschera commented 1 year ago

Here is the line for that error message:

It's expecting samples.tsv to be a tab separated file where the first column in each line is a .sam or .bam file

The error message in your post has an empty space where the file path should be:

{file_path} in samples.tsv does not exist or is not readable!
Don't know what format {file_path} is!

I was able to reproduce that error message by adding a blank line at the end of my samples.tsv. Does your samples.tsv have a blank line?

YichaoOU commented 1 year ago

Yep, thanks!