Open cb4github opened 3 years ago
Thanks for providing a detailed description of the error. I think the FileNotFoundError is from this line:
Using the skipped_exon_basic
test as an example, that line is trying to run a command similar to:
python ./rMATS_P/ ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_FDR.txt
The file that is not found should have been created by the command one line earlier which would be similar to:
./rMATS_C/rMATSexe -i ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt -t 1 -o ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt -c 0.0001
When the test runs that command it ignores the output. Could you try running that ./rMATS_C/rMATSexe
command in your environment to see if an error is reported? It might be failing to load a shared library like libblas. If no error is reported, could you post the contents of tests/skipped_exon_basic/command_output/rmats_std{out,err}
as well?
Thanks so much for your quick response.
Here's my result for the suggested command - along with contents of the input file.
$ $RMATS_TURBO_HOME/rMATS_C/rMATSexe -i ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt -t 1 -o ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt -c 0.0001
number of thread=1; input file=./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt; output folder=./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt; cutoff=0.0001;
Testing 0
Segmentation fault
$ cat tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt
0 1,1 0,0 0,0 1,1 98 49
Please let me know if you need more info, thanks again!
I've updated my build using Cython 0.29.22 vice 0.28.5. See informative post here
The result is much better.
rMATS_C/rMATSexe -i ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt -t 1 -o ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt -c 0.0001
number of thread=1; input file=./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt; output folder=./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt; cutoff=0.0001;
Fail to open!Total Wallclock time taken 0 seconds 0 milliseconds
Wallclock time per thread taken 0 seconds 0 milliseconds
I hope to rerun all tests shortly with the new build and report the new result. Thanks again! Best, CB
The Cython version should not have caused rMATS_C/rMATSexe
to give a segmentation fault since Cython is not used for that part of the code. The output after you updated the build includes "Fail to open!" which seems to be from this line:
It might be that the input file path was incorrect and that rMATSexe failed for that reason before it reached the part that would have caused a seg fault. If you get the seg fault again, you can update the build to use debug info by replacing -O2
with -O0 -ggdb
here: and then deleting rMATS_C/rMATSexe and rerunning the build
Then you could run the command in gdb
to get a stack trace for the seg fault. First run gdb rMATS_C/rMATSexe
to start gdb with rMATSexe
Then at the (gdb)
prompt run r -i ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/JC.raw.input.SE.txt -t 1 -o ./tests/skipped_exon_basic/out/tmp/JC_SE/rMATS_result_P-V.txt -c 0.0001
to run with those arguments. If the program seg faults then at the (gdb)
prompt you can do bt
to get a back trace that should give more details about the error
For now - and for various reasons I've admittedly lost track of - I've reverted back to retrying the build with --conda and gcc/6.3.0 - assuming that's ok. But then again - could gcc/6.3.0 somehow be too recent (too far ahead of the stated >=5.4.0)?
Briefly, I've tried a few things, but my build continues to fail attempting to build rMATSexe - with details of the latest attempt/failure in the following.
Here's my updated module list.
module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) slurm/14.03.0 7) bzip2/1.0.6 13) samtools/1.10
2) idev 8) xz/5.2.2 14) gsl/2.6
3) bbcp/amd64_rhel60 9) pcre/8.39 15) star/2.5.2a
4) anaconda3/5.1.0 10) R/3.6.1-intel 16) gcc/6.3.0
5) intel-psxe/2019-update1 11) gcc/4.9.4 17) rmats-turbo/4.1.1
6) zlib/1.2.8 12) cmake/3.12.1
Also, here's my updated module definition.
module show rmats-turbo/4.1.1
module-whatis rMATS turbo is the C/Cython version of rMATS (refer to The major difference between rMATS turbo and rMATS is speed and space usage.
module load anaconda3/5.1.0 R/3.6.1-intel cmake/3.12.1 samtools/1.10 gsl/2.6 star/2.5.2a gcc/6.3.0
module swap intel-psxe/2015-update1 intel-psxe/2019-update1
prepend-path PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/lib
prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/lib
prepend-path PYTHONUSERBASE /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
setenv RMATS_TURBO_HOME /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
setenv CONDA_ENVS_PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/conda_envs
setenv PYTHONPATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
setenv R_PROFILE_USER /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/.Rprofile
Thus I've created the rmats conda virtual environment - as well as modifying line 13 of rMATS_C/Makefile to include the ...rmats/lib as follows.
LDFLAGS := -lm -lgfortran -lgsl -lgslcblas -lgomp -L$(CONDA_ENVS_PATH)/rmats/lib -lblas -llapack
However, the build is failing, and my latest error is the following.
head 1
rm: cannot remove `*.dylib': No such file or directory
make: [build] Error 1 (ignored)
lbfgs_scipy/lbfgsb.o: In function `setulb_':
lbfgsb.f:(.text+0x8b): undefined reference to `s_cmp'
lbfgs_scipy/lbfgsb.o: In function `mainlb_':
lbfgsb.f:(.text+0x54c): undefined reference to `s_cmp'
lbfgsb.f:(.text+0x700): undefined reference to `s_copy'
lbfgsb.f:(.text+0x730): undefined reference to `f_open'
lbfgsb.f:(.text+0x7a1): undefined reference to `s_cmp'
lbfgsb.f:(.text+0xa8e): undefined reference to `s_cmp'
Also, here's the list of blas-related dependencies in the rmats/lib.
source activate rmats
(rmats) $ conda list | grep blas
libblas 3.9.0 8_openblas conda-forge
libcblas 3.9.0 8_openblas conda-forge
liblapack 3.9.0 8_openblas conda-forge
libopenblas 0.3.12 pthreads_h4812303_1 conda-forge
Shouldn't the file rmats/lib/ (or other?) dependency provided by conda be supplying the undefined references mentioned above? Best, CB
Update: I've overcome the previous and succeeded in building rMATSexe by adding -L/our/path/to/ and -lg2c to LDFLAGS in rMATS_C/Makefile. I hope to report updated test results shortly after revisiting the solution(s) for "No module named 'rmatspipeline'". Thanks.
My build and tests - no longer using conda - succeeded using the following.
Here's the build command.
CC=$(which gcc) CXX=$(which g++) CXX11=$(which g++) ./build_rmats
Here's the modified version of line 13 of the file bamtools/CMakeLists.txt, including -L pointing to the (dir) to avoid "undefined...s_cmp", etc. errors.
LDFLAGS := -lm -lgfortran -lgsl -lgslcblas -lgomp -L/cm/shared/apps/openblas/0.2.8/lib -lopenblas -L/cm/shared/apps/lapack/open64/64/3.5.0 -llapack -L$(RMATS_TURBO_HOME) -lg2c
Here's the module definition.
$ module show rmats-turbo/4.1.1
module-whatis rMATS turbo is the C/Cython version of rMATS (refer to The major difference between rMATS turbo and rMATS is speed and space usage.
module load anaconda3/5.1.0 R/3.6.1-intel cmake/3.12.1 samtools/1.10 gsl/2.6 star/2.5.2a openblas/dynamic/0.2.8 lapack/open64/64/3.5.0
prepend-path PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
prepend-path LD_LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/lib
prepend-path LIBRARY_PATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/lib
prepend-path PYTHONUSERBASE /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
setenv RMATS_TURBO_HOME /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
setenv PYTHONPATH /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
setenv R_PROFILE_USER /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/.Rprofile
Here's the resulting module list after loading that module.
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
1) slurm/14.03.0 10) R/3.6.1-intel
2) idev 11) gcc/4.9.4
3) bbcp/amd64_rhel60 12) cmake/3.12.1
4) anaconda3/5.1.0 13) samtools/1.10
5) intel-psxe/2015-update1(default) 14) gsl/2.6
6) zlib/1.2.8 15) star/2.5.2a
7) bzip2/1.0.6 16) openblas/dynamic/0.2.8
8) xz/5.2.2 17) lapack/open64/64/3.5.0
9) pcre/8.39 18) rmats-turbo/4.1.1
Also, all 31 tests (finally :) ran successfully without conda (though still fails with conda due to missing module rmatspipeline and I'm not sure why) using a modified test_rmats (as I'd indicated previously) per the following diff.
$ diff /released/test_rmats /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1/test_rmats_cluster
< local REL_SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname ${BASH_SOURCE[0]})" || return 1
> local REL_SCRIPT_DIR="${PWD}" || return 1
< local RUN_RMATS="${SCRIPT_DIR}/run_rmats"
> local RUN_RMATS="${RMATS_TURBO_HOME}/run_rmats"
< conda create --prefix "${CONDA_ENV_PATH}" || return 1
< conda activate "${CONDA_ENV_PATH}" || return 1
> conda create --prefix "${CONDA_ENV_PATH}" --yes
> source activate "${CONDA_ENV_PATH}" || return 1
> which python
> python --version
< conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda python=3.8 samtools=1.9 || return 1
> conda list |grep samtools |grep 1.9 && return 0
> conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda python=3.8 samtools=1.9 --yes || return 1
< create_and_activate_conda_env || return 1
< install_dependencies || return 1
> local CONDA_ENV_PATH="${SCRIPT_DIR}/conda_envs"
> if [ -d $CONDA_ENV_PATH ]; then
> create_and_activate_conda_env || return 1
> install_dependencies || return 1
> fi
> echo "sys.path in test_rmats_cluster"
> python -c 'import sys; print("\n".join(sys.path))' || return 1
< conda deactivate || return 1
> if [ -d $CONDA_ENV_PATH ]; then
> source deactivate || return 1
> fi
> which python
> python --version
Comments welcome.
Also, I'd appreciate any information that you can provide (preferably updated from #12) that would assist in determining which artifacts I can remove post-build that aren't needed for either runtime or user reference. Here's what the module directory looks like at this typing.
$ ls -lt /share/apps/rmats-turbo/4.1.1
total 7484
-rw-r--r-- 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 3407 Mar 25 01:16 README_cluster
drwxr-xr-x 4 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Mar 25 00:11 rMATS_pipeline
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 2031 Mar 24 22:52 test_rmats_cluster
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 7528456 Mar 24 19:50
drwxr-xr-x 10 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Mar 24 19:49 rMATS_C
drwxr-xr-x 2 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Mar 24 19:48 lib
drwxr-xr-x 8 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Mar 24 19:15 bamtools
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 158 Mar 24 18:07 build_rmats_cluster
drwxr-sr-x 3 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Mar 17 15:40 R
drwxr-sr-x 6 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Mar 17 15:38 PAIRADISE
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 2748 Feb 8 07:04 build_rmats
-rwxrwxr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 866 Feb 8 07:04
drwxr-xr-x 2 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Feb 8 07:04 docs
-rwxrwxr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 749 Feb 8 07:04 install_r_deps.R
-rw-r--r-- 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 1781 Feb 8 07:04 LICENSE
-rw-r--r-- 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 146 Feb 8 07:04 python_conda_requirements.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 14 Feb 8 07:04 r_conda_requirements.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 23763 Feb 8 07:04
drwxr-xr-x 2 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Feb 8 07:04 rMATS_P
-rwxrwxr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 22703 Feb 8 07:04
drwxr-xr-x 2 cbaribault hpcstaff 4096 Feb 8 07:04 rMATS_R
-rwxr-xr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 841 Feb 8 07:04 run_rmats
-rwxrwxr-x 1 cbaribault hpcstaff 711 Feb 8 07:04
Best, CB
The artifacts that are needed after the build for running rMATS can be seen in the Dockerfile. It copies the necessary files and then removes the build directory:
I think just is needed for user reference
Dear All, First, thanks for all your efforts! Next, granted that our campus cluster using centos is in need of some updating and that some of the dependencies used in the following are downlevel from those listed in the, nonetheless I was able to complete the build without the --conda option. (Please see module definition and resulting module list below.)
I've run the provided (31) tests with a modified version of the downloaded scripts test_rmats and run_rmats, which I've modified per the following.
From what I've observed among the open issues, the error that I'm getting appears to be the same as that reported first here and then here #91 - though it was suggested in the latter that the error should be fixed in version 4.1.1.
Also, I get the same results - the same 6 failed tests out of 31 attempted tests - regardless of whether I place the tests directory in our RMATS_TURBO_HOME under /share or in my own test directory under /lustre.
Here is the resulting complete list of failed tests (non-empty rmats_stderr's) and their included FileNotFoundError's.
Here is my current module definition (and resulting module list further below) - including...
Here is the resulting module list.
Please advise, thanks, and please let me know if you'd prefer more information.
Best, CB