XinhaoMei / WavCaps

This reporsitory contains metadata of WavCaps dataset and codes for downstream tasks.
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Blacklist Metadata #21

Closed alefiury closed 10 months ago

alefiury commented 1 year ago

Dear Author,

First and foremost, congratulations on your commendable work!

Now, onto the inquiry.

In the directory "blacklist" of the dataset there are 3 json files: "blacklist_exclude_all_ac.json", "blacklist_exclude_test_ac.json" and "blacklist_exclude_ub8k_esc50_vggsound.json".

I'd like to confirm my understanding of the file removal process from the WavCaps dataset as follows:

Is this intrepretation correct?

XinhaoMei commented 1 year ago

Hey, yes, that's absolutely correct!