XinyiYing / D3Dnet

Repository for "Deformable 3D Convolution for Video Super-Resolution", SPL, 2020
Apache License 2.0
305 stars 43 forks source link

Version for CUDA 11.7 #35

Open JoshuaYang0926 opened 1 year ago

JoshuaYang0926 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to apply the deformable convolution to the new network framework, but I found that this need CUDA10.1, but this version is too low for now, please ask if you can modify the model to apply it to CUDA11.7?

XinyiYing commented 1 year ago

The current version of D3D can work under CUDA11.7 on Ubuntu. You have to compile D3D first before training and test. Please refer to for more details.