XinyiYing / D3Dnet

Repository for "Deformable 3D Convolution for Video Super-Resolution", SPL, 2020
Apache License 2.0
305 stars 43 forks source link

Query to adapt the current cuda/c++ codes to enable `torch.utils.cpp_extension.load` #44

Open yyhtbs-yye opened 2 months ago

yyhtbs-yye commented 2 months ago

Hi Xinyi,

Thank you so much for your contribution. I wonder if you have a plan to adjust the current C++ source code slightly, so that torch.utils.cpp_extension.load can directly compile it on the fly. This would make people easy to use and it will get easy to import it to MMagic. The recent RVRT takes the on-the-fly compile approach, and I find it can be easily and seamless integrated into MMagic.

I would assume this would be beneficial to improve the impact of this nice D3DNet work.

Best Regards